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Pirates of Dark Cry

Logbook entry

Something about that rush of heat...

...I found myself flying a bit closer to stars today... something about that rush of heat...

Ship Log...

Departing Barango

I need a change of scenery. I came out here hoping to make a name for myself, out in the expanse called is not going as I had planned.

It was May 9th when I arrived at the Mawson Dock training course. The Pilots Federation set up the course like I had imagined it'd be...a piece of cake, I couldn't wait to be out of there. Think the test judge kinda figured that when I tried to wrestle that Sidewinder's controls from him. Hadn't occured to me, he might feel the feedback from my impatience.

Anyway, from one training station to the next, I figured I might as well stalk the bars, crew lounges, and local dives, that were present. At first I just wanted some info, but eventually rumors led to facts, and I started working freelance as a delivery boy. Easy enough work... fair enough pay, it wasn't long before I was returning that used Sidewinder, though, because I eventually was contacted by a squadron organization.

The Federal Expeditionary Core... they took me under their wing quite literally and soon they had me flying bulkier mining vessels. The type 7 and type 9 were for the job, but I ended up picking out an Alliance Crusader for myself.

The Crusader was maneuverable enough... had the fire power... even was capable of holding a fighter bay... and that's when it hit me...I could start my own crew. It didn't take long before I found some candidates, but most of them just couldn't hang like I needed. That's when i met her...Genesis Hansley

A bit of a spit fire, she was nice enough when I responded to her crew posting. When we rendezvous'd, she seemed like a sweet girl, but I quickly found out her smile really was more a mask to hide her animalistic ferocity. Boy, can she handle a ship...

Things didn't quiet work out with the FEC though. Call it, difference of perspective opinion...I honestly don't know.

I really hoped it would be different out here in space... ya know, better, but everywhere I see is just conflict, everywhere I go is just vain conflict. Makes me wonder if I was better off staying home in Any Na... maybe I'm not cut out for being in a crew....... but Genesis tells me I have to be more patient with myself and others.

I don't know...I figured it was time for a change though...we were supposed to be exploring the stars, but I kinda let the crowd of mining pilots around Borann change my mind.

Sold my side ship collection to extend our financial cushion. The Viper...7 and 9...
Shame about the Crusader though, but if it's just going to rust away in a hangar...I had figured i might as well sell it.

Pilots Federation has some kinda rules about Pilots sharing ships or controlling certain ship functions...but I would rent my ships off if I could...maybe even sell em to someone a bit like me... just starting out in the black.

Took us three days to get to Jaques Outpost, outside Colonia. What was it...990 jumps? Genesis told me we could try the "Neutron Highway", but I'm not sure I want to risk my baby... the N3W EX0DU5...

It took forever to prove to the Federation I was even capable of handling the blasted Corvette... I'll be damned if I damage any of these systems before we reached Colonia... Had some close calls where I almost fell asleep and dove into a star though...

Second leg of our trek...Genesis corresponded a Pilot's Academy friend of hers, fresh out of training. Even out here on the way to the Galactic Center, Holo transmissions still operate. She introduced herself as Honey... said she was looking for a fresh crew with no legal baggage.

Tested her out at the helm. If Genesis can man the mothership then why not the noob.

We've been in contact with a Fleet Carrier Captain Commander. He was looking for crew mates for a deep space expedition, and it seemed right up our alley. The Rangers Roost... after the 20k Light year journey, it's first waypoint is set for Sagittarius A...

I'm pretty excited...I won't lie. A little more excited than when I sold that sidewinder a month ago.

The crew of the N3W EX0DU5 should be present to rendezvous with the Rangers Roost, nearby Explorers Anchorage. It's only 8 or so Light years from the center of it all, so we'll make sure we're at least in the area.

There's always a few kinks in these new flight computer systems, though. You'd think those egg head scientists of the Federation and Empire would have it down, pat, but they're still only human. We haven't had a flawless one since before space flight was possible... even imaginable to us earthbourne folk...

Which reminds me...

Word is Thargoid are amassing. ...scary times man...i use to think Galnet wasn't reporting anything important anymore...ya know. Propaganda, my grandpa might say, but I don't know...

Doubt they'd be this far deep space, but you never know.

Heck...I call, this CPTNCMDR aboard RR... he's probably planning to track some down... word is, his family's got history with the bugs...

Don't make me no never mind... he could be chasing after Raxxlaa itself...I don't care.

I left the FEC for a reason... but I really shouldn't give up on folks so easily. Maybe Ranger's Roost'll be different.

Oh...REMINDER: "computer responds"

Finance report, Genesis' almost at to 200 million....."computer responds"

she's been acting weird though, recently. Her performance has never faltered, but I'm starting to wonder what she spends her credits on. It's not my business...... but...

Thought about hawking the Iblis, not just for the money, but for space on the Carrier...but apparently there's room aboard Double R...I really hope so, man. I love that ship.

Should be passing Sagittarius A soon enough. Let the new crew mate, Honey, take the wheel for a while to make this report. I'm sure she'll be fine.

I was heading that way anyway...Sag A that is. I wanted to see the center of it all before I die.

...I found myself flying a bit closer to stars today... something about that rush of heat... it's a nice wake me up out here in lonely cold space.

Fly safe, CMDRs.......o7

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