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Pirates of Dark Cry

Logbook entry


Pilots Real Name: The Reivax (Thee Ray-Vacs)
Place of Birth : Unknown
Current Location:

Commander The Reivax, now known as CMDR JHU5TL3 has a short history as a Pilot Federation's graduate, with only 850 (03/07/3307) hours of actual flight time, this CMDR has achieved what some might call the impossible, quickly earning himself the respect of not only the Federation but the Imperial Navy and the Alliance as well. With over 1.5 Billion credits in assets, 283,000Ly in hyperspace at 10,000 jumps, and over 1.5 Billion credits in crew earned credits, CMDR RADM Prince JHU5TL3 has earned the rank of Elite in exploration and trade, with a promotion to combat master well underway. Though relatively new to the galactic battleground, information about this commander's past seems to be mostly redacted, something rarely seen among Pilot Federation's graduates.

Information surrounding the history of the Commander known once as The Reivax is sparse at best, with the first reported activities of the commander joining the Federal Expeditionary Corps early within his career. This information is particularly easy to verify as transactions and ship identification was reported registered to CMDR The Reivax on May 7th, 3306. It would appear that after leaving the Any Na system, apparently on a celebratory venture after his graduation, CMDR The Reivax was recruited by the FEC stationed in the Borann system where reportedly he began his career as a Low-Temperature Diamond miner. Financial reports show that profits were quite lucrative as the commander was able to purchase a Viper MK III, Type-9 Heavy, Alliance Crusader, Type-7, Type-10, Diamondback Explorer, and eventually the coveted Federal Corvette all within a two-month time span.

It would appear that his relationship with the FEC perhaps was strained, as near the beginning of the month of June, The Reivax was found in the system of Barango, mining near Col 285 Sector CC-K a3802. A month later, the commander's Nav Beacon was reported in Colonia aboard his Corvette named the N3W 3X0DU5. Surprisingly, the new commander had made his way nearly 1000 jumps within the large ship, making his way through the Colonia system until he was at Sagittarius A. It was here that the commander found himself in deep space exploration, discovering many planetary bodies and strange astronomical anomalies in a consorted effort with the Celestial Light Brigade. This was not long-lived, however, as reports of the commander flying within the bubble began again by late July. During the months of August and October, CMDR The Reivax had gone relatively silent, the last reported docking of his registered ships being somewhere in the Cubeo system.

Sometime in late November, early December, reports of The Reivax being seen in the bubble began once again, except his registered designation and licensing for his ships has changed to that of a new callsign, JHU5TL3. It would appear he has buried nearly all information of his past except his work directly after his Pilot's Federation's graduation. Somehow, the reassessment of his callsign seems to have blocked all attempts at delving into this pilot's past despite a prominent history of trade and exploration. The callsign JHU5TL3 was first reported as being affiliated with the Brood Covenant. However, almost as swiftly as the last two organizations, CMDR JHU5TL3 disbanded from their affiliation after a disagreement on how best to deal with the ongoing Thargoid incursions that have continued to vex humanity throughout the galactic bubble.

Commander Rear Admiral Prince JHU5TL3, once known as The Reivax, along with his loyal crewmate Genesis Hensley, somehow found themselves indebted to the Robigo Cartel. Detailed transit reports recognize the 051r15 VII traveling from Sothis through Wredguia and to Robigo, leaving a long record of Robigo Cartel affiliation undeniable to any scrutiny. Apparently, the commander was "Working on a present, to himself, for his birthday" when questioned about his financial statements. Fast forward a few weeks, and CMDR JHU5TL3 has purchased a brand new Fleet Carrier dubbed, TH3 D4RK CRY W4V3, and has decided to register it as a member of the Odyssey Galactic Expedition, a more than 40,000Ly journey into the unexplored black of our galaxy.

Currently, CMDR JHU5TL3 is aboard TH3 D4RK CRY W4V3, somewhere near Sagittarius A, as an explorative mission takes place.

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