Logbook entry

Cmdr Rico Captain log #3 - Colonia Expedition preparation

02 Jun 2020Michael Vega
I have bought myself a new ship lately, the Asp Explorer and it's a good acquisition. A very good ship. Felicity and I succeeded in upgrading the FSD to 50ly: this is great.
I am planning an expedition to Colonia. I am making the preparation. Felicia Winters is taking all my time now, i need to reach rating 4 before leaving the bubble.
I will keep my Cobra Mk3 as a combat ship, it's a good ship as well.

I bought a new FSD drive for the Dolphin, and i increased its jump range by 100%. Reaching the 40ly jump. I am happy. I am almost satisfied with my fleet right now. I will be able to leave the bubble in peace.
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︎0 Shiny!
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