Cmdr Rosareven
Explorer / Trader
Registered ship name
Madama Butterfly
Credit balance
Registered ship ID
Krait Phantom CVIG-R
Overall assets
The Order Of Mobius

Logbook entry

Log #1: Madama Butterfly

07 Jul 2020Rosareven
CMDR Rosareven: *blows at mic* Oh look, you're still working. This is how good I am at keeping a diary, or rather, keeping dusts on my recorder. *soft laughs* So here I am at Colonia... Jaques Station, to be precise. Named after some kind of cyborg figure from what I gathered. Why am I not surprised that people picked a nebula to build a new home? Nebulae are so easy for our human eyes to see and locate, compared to rest of the empty black space. Oh hey there friend, you caught me rambling again didn't you?

CMDR z64555: Just checking in while I'm on a long flight. *FSD noises*

CMDR Rosareven: Oh no, are you busy right now? I'll tune out-

CMDR z64555: Nah you're good. I'm on a long flight back to the bubble to grab my T9.

CMDR Rosareven: Forgot the kitchen sink?

CMDR z64555: Inspiration struck, that's all. How's Colonia treating you?

CMDR Rosareven: Not bad - scanned a few phenomena. Actually quite a few all in the same place. I was wondering why folks colonise this space out of the entire galaxy. Scanned some vessels too - one of them under attack while I was there but I managed to scan everything and hightail it out of there. And a settlement - well that was more like hacking, but it's not like I'm manipulating anything there, just pure curiosity. I became wanted in that system though. *laughs*

CMDR z64555: Imagine that, getting a bounty for hacking. How shocking.

CMDR Rosareven: Well I also realised that I haven't used this damn thing - this recorder - which I brought along with the intent of keeping stories about the Aphelion Expedition. Guess its first use date? After it's all done and over. Lots of things happened. It gets a bit emotional for me even, but I miss the bubble now. I might actually cut my trip here short and head back home tomorrow.

CMDR z64555: How are you getting your Python back?

CMDR Rosareven: I was going to just get it shipped across station to station. Possibly cost about 20 million and 61 hours. I wasn't going to root for any carrier hitchhiking opportunity. Unknown variables, you know? But I got lucky - a carrier called Prophecy just happened to be heading off to the bubble from Kojeara, next system over from here. It's run by some group called Milky Way Nebula Tours. No compensation required. They got all sorts of facilities like free beer and what not too, which sadly I'm not going to enjoy. I've parked my Python there just now. Yes yes, in before it gets kidnapped to Formidine Rift...

CMDR z64555: *mimicks ATC voice* Next stop, Xibalba.

CMDR Rosareven: Anyway, Prophecy is leaving in a few hours so that's perfect timing. I'm still going to jump back home on my Phantom tomorrow. I'm in love with neutron stars - I think I've found my new career calling. Did I tell you that I've found a way to track my custom route automatically? Now I don't have to switch to GalMap all the time for the next neutron star. At some point in the future I'm going to map more neutron stars to improve the highway plotting. Maybe in a Dolphin. I miss my Dolphin. I'm going to visit the engineers in my Dolphin. Did I tell you I love my Dolphin?

CMDR z64555: I thought you were getting an Orca.

CMDR Rosareven: Yeah that's for tourist trips. Pays surprisingly well in rare encoded data, and I heard it's also quite nice to fly. Shame it can only land on large pads. How much longer do you have to go?

CMDR z64555: About 80 jumps left, and I keep getting distracted.

CMDR Rosareven: Oh I'm sorry.

CMDR z64555: Nah it's not you. Just other people on the comms.

CMDR Rosareven: I'll let you go anyway. I'm treating myself some nice dish in the station before my long ride tomorrow.

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