Cmdr Rosareven
Explorer / Trader
Registered ship name
Madama Butterfly
Credit balance
Registered ship ID
Krait Phantom CVIG-R
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The Order Of Mobius

Logbook entry

Log #2: Madama Butterfly

08 Jul 2020Rosareven
CMDR Rosareven: Figured I'll do some recording while I'm cruising along the highway to home. Don't worry I'm totally in control of the ship in all these jet cones.

COVAS: Warning! Frame shift drive operating beyond safety limits.

CMDR Rosareven: *FSD noises, some delay later* As I was saying... I've been looking back at my flight logs. From way back when Aphelion Expedition has begun. Gosh, it's been exactly a month ago. Where do I start? Oh gosh why am I so bad at this. I got this damn thing to record my journey on the go, not to record it after it's done! I mean, I guess there's always my flight logs, but flight logs don't capture my thoughts and feelings. Well, who am I kidding? I'm certainly hurting this recorder's thoughts and feelings already, if it has any.

COVAS: Fuel scooping.

CMDR Rosareven: Frankly I don't feel like looking back into the past now. I want to look forward to the future. I want to hug my Dolphin and get a shiny new Orca. I'll engineer the heck out of my fleet and maybe kiss some Imperial ass too for the Cutter. All these are only gonna happen in the bubble. Well maybe Colonia too, but that place feels a bit too... out in the bush for my taste. They don't even have a good drink out there!

COVAS: Fuel scooping complete.

???: Good afternoon, CMDR Rosareven.

CMDR Rosareven: Huh?

???: Sorry if I'm disturbing you at the wrong moment... Just want to see if you're doing alright on your return journey?

CMDR Rosareven: Oh... oh! Of course. Yes. I'm only 4000 LYs away now. I'll be there in a little over an hour with the neutron highway.

???: Good, good. You'll be just in time. If you still have cartography data to sell, I know exactly where you can go...

CMDR Rosareven: Of course, yes, I have plenty of data to sell! Just tell me where to go once I arrive and I'll get on it right away.

???: No rush, CMDR. You can space it out. Do it tomorrow if you want. You've had a long trip away. Take all the rest you need...

CMDR Rosareven: Oh no no, it's fine boss. I'm quite excited to come back!

???: That's great to hear. I look forward to your return. I'll leave you to your long flight back now.

CMDR Rosareven: Cheers boss! You take care!... *sighs* Was that all on tape? It was all on tape. Ah screw it. Gotta do what I gotta do.

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