Logbook entry

Day 7

20 Jun 2020princelightftw
Well the past few days have been absolutely chaotic. The 18th and 19th I was doing Thargoid research and sciences in the Icarus and doing paperwork associated with the research. I was also working on documents to go with our Squadron, and that took up a lot of time too. Not to mention Thargoid hunting (yes, I went Thargoid hunting, shocker huh?). Today was really interesting, though. I had joined a wing with two very awesome commanders, CMDR Katie Byrne and CMDR J-Dog162, also known as Jay. All of us went to different non-human signal sources to fight the Thargoids in Evangelis, together as a wing. It was definitely a chaotic adventure, one that will have me set down AX combat for good. I don't want to fight anymore, however, I must at least try. In the mean time, I'm gathering my stuff for a Guardian structure ride, and I get a call from CMDR Byrne. "Commander, we shall be leaving within the hour, please get your stuff together soon! I'll see you soon! Also, great work out there in the field! You really kicked some ass today, I'm proud of you." Those are words I haven't heard in a while. "I'm proud of you." That'll ring in my ears for a good while definitely. I felt very happy with myself with what I did manage to accomplish with everyone as a wing. I'm proud to say that I also, after doing some research on the fly at the last Guardian site, that I now know what to do when we get to the next one. I'll just have to scout out the necessary information first before going about the routine. Ah look at me, I'm rambling again ha. Until next time CMDR's, stay safe out there in the Dark.
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