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Home - A New Story Series

02 Jul 2020princelightftw
Home. I think about it often. Why am I stuck out in space doing whatever I want to when I could possibly go home, back to Sol? I need to see what I need to do to get home. Home is where I need to be now. I'm tired of thinking about how it could've been if the Great War never happened. Or did it ever even happen? Is my family still out there in Sol? I was always told the "Great War" is what killed them, but now....I'm not so sure.

*ringtone via computer* What's this? A call? It's from an unknown source. *answers and sees my mom on the computer* "Mom?"

"Hey honey! Sorry I haven't spoken to you in years, we've been thinking about you though! How have you been sweetie?"

My eyes swell up in tears.

Me: "I thought you were dead! I thought that all of you were dead! Why was I taken away? Why!? I want to come home now!"

Mom: "You thought we were dead? Who told you that!? The government, so they could have another person for the space force?"

Me: "As a matter of fact, yes, my General told me before I was drafted. This was soon after I moved out, remember? Then again, you probably thought something bad happened to me too, right?"

Mom: "Yeah I thought you had gotten killed, it's been too long. When are you coming home?"

Me: "I can't come home yet mom. I'm doing research and it says I need a permit to come back to Sol. I'll do further research and see what all I need to do to come home. I'll keep in touch, I got to go now okay? I love you."

Mom: "Oh okay, that does make sense. Makes sure nobody with evil intent makes it easy to come back to Sol. Okay baby, I love you too! Take care now, and kick some butt for me! I know you can do it son."

*disconnects the call*

Where the hell did that come from?! I gotta trace that call. Let's see.....Earth. She's actually in Earth. I thought our solar system was null and void? That's why we had to leave? I guess not! HA! I can finally see my family after years of thinking they were dead! My eyes well up at the thought of being able to go home after all this time. Now to find out how to really go home by getting that permit. We will see how it goes. God speed everyone. Commander Gregory signing off, audio log 0001.
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