Visit to DSSA Artemis and the Seagull Nebula
17 Aug 2020Panoptes-
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Subject: Tour report 3-08-3306 / 4-08-3306.
CMDR Panoptes signing in to report on two intensive days of jumping in Ouroboros.
The main goal was to visit a DSSA carrier and use it as a temporary deep space base.
Selling data at this carrier supports its owner and thus the DSSA initiative.
Additionally, the DSSA fleet carriers are placed in relatively unvisited regions of space, with plenty of opportunities for discovering new systems.
Indeed, I discovered 135 new systems on this trip, without necessarily sticking around in unexplored regions.
After having reached the DSSA Artemis, I plotted a route to the closest outpost, an asteroid base in Thor's Helmet Sector, followed by another visit to Hell Port in the Seagull Sector DL-Y d3.
Plotting the route home to Neto was challenging because I had to pass Barnard's Loop and the Witch Head Nebula with permalocked systems.
Refer to the end of the transmission for a high-level overview of the route and a report of first discoveries.
1. DSSA Artemis @Synuefuae CM-J D10-42 (6.276,94 ly)
This support carrier offers refuge to weary explorers and offers them a great view while catching their breath: it orbits a ringed Earth-like world.
2. Sagan Research Centre @Thor's Helmet Sector FB-X c1-5 (4,243.64 ly)
Before arriving at the Seagull Nebula, I passed the Emission Nebula, which is directly adjacent to it and harbors Sagan Research Centre.
3. Seagull Nebula
4. Hell Port @Seagull Sector DL-Y d3 (289,18 ly)
Within the Seagull Nebula I visited the aptly named "Hell Port" where deep space cowboys roam free.
Because Sagan Research Centre and Hell Port are so close to each other, I'm considering revisiting this area to use it as a deep space base.
Sagan Research Centre offers many well paying passenger missions, which are a great excuse to map out the surrounding black, and Hell Port offers plenty of combat opportunities.
Between the two stations a surprising range of ships is offered for sale as well, making them a viable option for a longer stay.
5. Homewards past Barnard's Loop @Neto (3.807,91 ly)
There were plenty of neutron stars on this route to remedy homesickness.
Overview (EDDiscovery):
Estimated minimal distance: 14.616,67 ly.
I finished the trip in two days, which means I averaged above 7000 ly per day. I did also take plenty of time for sightseeing, collecting materials at discovered geological sites, and the obliged space tourist screenshotting.
Overview of deep space outposts and POI:
View of nebulae:
Apparently I passed the "Vela Molecular Ridge" without noticing.
On the way home I pushed through, but there are plenty of nearby nebulae to pay a visit for those not in a rush.
Discovery registry:
135 new systems discovered (sorted temporally):
Col 173 Sector FS-Y b31-0
Col 173 Sector IS-Y b31-3
Col 173 Sector AI-A b31-9
Col 173 Sector DW-L d8-78
Plio Eurl DO-M b48-5
Plio Eurl ET-M b48-6
Plio Eurl JC-D d12-69
Plio Eurl OT-M b48-0
Plio Eurl TY-H c23-34
Plio Eurl YE-G c24-25
Plio Eurl ZE-G c24-20
Plio Eurl LW-E d11-51
Ploea Eurl UG-O b47-8
Ploea Eurl BH-O b47-4
Ploea Eurl HH-O b47-3
Ploea Eurl PN-M b48-0
Ploea Eurl KE-G c24-7
Ploea Eurl VN-M b48-1
Ploea Eurl XC-O b47-1
Ploea Eurl LY-H c23-17
Ploea Eurl MY-H c23-8
Ploea Eurl AC-Q b46-2
Ploea Eurl EC-Q b46-8
Ploea Eurl HC-Q b46-6
Ploea Eurl SS-J c22-18
Ploea Eurl SR-R b45-5
Ploea Eurl KW-E d11-131
Ploea Eurl BD-Q b46-4
Wregoi OU-R b45-5
Wregoi VA-Q b46-1
Wregoi YR-J c22-1
Wregoi DQ-R b45-7
Wregoi FV-R b45-2
Wregoi KQ-R b45-2
Wregoi NQ-R b45-6
Wregoi QQ-R b45-2
Wregoi RQ-R b45-0
Synuefou QC-J a91-1
Synuefou XC-J a91-3
Wregoi LS-J c22-5
Wregoi ER-R b45-0
Synuefou RD-J a91-3
Synuefou ZY-I a91-4
Synuefou QF-H a92-3
Synuefou VK-H a92-4
Synuefou NP-P c22-0
Synuefuae KG-H a92-2
Synuefuae PV-I a91-4
Synuefuae CW-I a91-0
Synuefuae FQ-K a90-2
Synuefuae WR-H d11-14
Synuefuae AD-H a92-1
Synuefuae HD-H a92-6
Synuefuae VO-P c22-0
Synuefuae QX-I a91-6
Synuefuae ZO-P c22-12
Synuefuae DY-I a91-1
Synuefuae KY-I a91-0
Synuefuae IE-F b45-4
Synuefuae FP-P c22-14
Synuefuae QZ-E b45-4
Synuefuae HE-R c21-8
Synuefuae XZ-E b45-4
Synuefuae VT-G b44-5
Synuefuae VT-G b44-0
Synuefuae VT-G b44-1
Synuefuae VT-G b44-4
Synuefuae VT-G b44-3
Synuefuae UT-G b44-0
Synuefuae CM-J d10-21
Synuefuae HJ-R c21-7
Synuefuae TT-G b44-4
Synuefuae UT-G b44-1
Synuefuae HJ-R c21-6
Synuefuae CM-J d10-44
Synuefuae NK-P c22-16
Synuefuae NK-P c22-17
Synuefuae NK-P c22-2
Synuefuae MP-P c22-1
Synuefuae MP-P c22-0
Synuefuae HJ-R c21-1
Synuefuae HJ-R c21-0
Synuefuae DM-J d10-11
Synuefuae DM-J d10-10
Synuefuae DM-J d10-50
Synuefuae DM-J d10-12
Synuefuae DM-J d10-7
Synuefuae DM-J d10-2
Synuefuae DM-J d10-15
Synuefuae DM-J d10-33
Synuefuae DM-J d10-59
Synuefuae DM-J d10-8
Synuefuae DM-J d10-58
Synuefuae DM-J d10-17
Synuefuae DM-J d10-56
Synuefuae DM-J d10-57
Synuefuae HS-H d11-21
Synuefuae JE-R c21-16
Synuefuae CD-T c20-8
Synuefuae RQ-W c18-7
Synuefuae OF-Y c17-3
Synuefuae MF-Y c17-10
Synuefuae BY-B c16-7
Synuefuae MT-O d7-73
Synuefuae RL-F c14-4
Synuefuae AH-S d5-16
Synuefuae VH-M c10-7
Synuefuae VA-U d4-70
Synuefuae OG-O c9-8
Synuefuae BF-O a33-0
Synuefuae DU-R c7-11
Ploea Eur OS-U d2-0
Ploea Eur OS-U d2-71
Ploea Eur XE-R c4-17
Outoppy MD-I c23-1
Outoppy GX-J c22-0
Outoppy FX-J c22-1
Outoppy XU-G d10-33
Outoppy SO-I d9-8
Outoppy ND-K d8-15
Outoppy MD-K d8-7
Outoppy UA-W c15-5
Outoppy PU-X c14-5
Outoppy JO-Z c13-3
Preae Theia ZW-E c11-3
Preae Theia UQ-G c10-0
Preae Theia HF-R d4-20
Preae Theia GF-R d4-24
Preae Theia CZ-S d3-3
Preae Theia ZR-N c6-4
Preae Theia NF-R c4-2
Oochonz RP-A c3-1
Oochonz HC-B d1-12
Preae Theia GA-A d15
Oochoxt PT-U c5-1
Oochoxt SQ-P c8-0