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Alien Crash Site Expedition

11 Dec 2016Inyahin
Maia - Darnielle's Progress

Since Inyahin was docked at in Maia from the GIMPP2 Hutton Mug donation run, she decided that she would have a little expedition around the Pleiades Sector to find out just what's the deal with these "Alien ruins"?
Here she is just outside Darnielle's Progress with MAIA A and MAIA B in the back ground.

HIP 17862 - 6 C A

First stop, The moon, of the 3rd moon of the 6th planet at HIP 17862. This is the place where the Crash site reports were coming from. With her ship parked just a stone's throw from the site, the short SRV journey is simple.

Getting a good vantage point of the probe...

Shivers down her spine as she realise that others have died on the same expedition. But what's going on? Vision is getting blurred, mind... not... working...

Investigating these strange things left around... can't barely think let alone drive... This is what OnionHead must be like... Thinking "No wonder these Alien Artifacts aren't safe! I must get away!"

HIP 17403 - A 4 A

Another moon around a moon. Her first discovery, a T9 half burried in the sand. Old and Derelict, it's cargo salvagable... "if others have left it... yes, I better leave it there. Who knows what Alien Radiation will do to food canisters".

Another casualty to the alien crash site, an Anaconda a very sturdy ship; this wouldn't have gone down without a big agressive force... Inyahin's ship is a tin can in comparison.

This Alien wreck, much like the last one. Looks like biological technology... Inyahin shudders thinking about what other technology they might have.

But enough of that... time to investigate this probe closer

ARGH! MORE ONIONHEAD CAPSULES. "These things are really messing me up... and they're probably thousands of years old. I'd hate to see a ship powered by this stuff in fully working order... let alone be attacked by one... Time to leave"

Pleiades Sector AB-W B2-4 - 9 A

More moons around moons; it's pretty stark out here. But this planet has an Imperial Research base, which is only 7km from this alien crash site... Time for a long drive and see what this SRV is made of.

You can tell the way... Imperial Dreadnaught guarding the crash site from Enemies of the State.

Get some pretty crazy lean angles on the side of hills; maybe going straight down is a better idea...

The big imperial ship, dominating the sky above the probe.

Getting a better angle for the scanners... SRV latched on to the probe with it's back two wheels. Inyahin holding her breath as the computer does its thing.

Home safe and sound. Thankfully the Imperials had cleaned away those harmful mind scramble devices... hopefully they're putting them to good use!
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