Logbook entry

Mugs for Orphans

17 Dec 2016Inyahin
The Paladin Consortium have organised delivery of Christmas gifts to the Orphans of Mitterand Hollow, Epsilon Indi they are situated at the Barcelo Colony while their adoption applications are processed. This moon orbits its planet once every minute, making the approach tricky... it's advised to bring a sick bag.

Having heard of their plight, Mug Ownership Deficiency Syndrome, Inyahin under took the trip to Hutton Orbital, Alpha Centauri to stock up on Hutton Mugs for the children, and Centauri Gin for the Paladin crew.

A quick detour... stop over at Harvestport, Kappa Fornacis for some... "medication" for our illustrious Inquisitor!

Refuelling at Schneider Relay with gifts of Mugs.

Dropping off The Hutton Mugs for the Children, and Gin for the Staff.

Also the Onionhead... for those suffering from Bio Waste related ...illnesses....

More Gin shared with the Paladins

CMDR M.A.R.S.H.A.L.L. in his Anaconda, we climbed on board and he gave us a lift up the mountain...

We get to the top, followed by one of the Staff Members... But no one warned them about flying after drinking a bottle of gin (we assumed they knew and were up to flying?) and he exploded into the mountain... We hope there were no orphans on board...

It's a beautiful view up here, with the night time and day time cycling every few minutes the planet below whizzing past every 88 seconds.

It's a dangerous business climbing mountains; not everyone who went up came down alive.
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︎7 Shiny!
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