Logbook entry


06 Jan 2017Inyahin
Inyahin heard the news that ALIENS were here scouting around the Pleiadies Sector...

She is relatively new to this Galaxy, but she'd heard rumours of wars previously between Humans and some Aliens know as Thargoids. To ensure that first contact between Thargoids, if this in fact them an Elven kind is peaceful, she persued the only reasonable course of action.

To deliver them with our most prized possession, The Hutton Mug.

So her first order of the day, make her way over to Hutton Orbital to collect mugs and also to Harvestport for... other cargo... for friends who will remain... anonymous.

Fairwell Harvestport! Hopefully I'll be back for your wonderful goodness again!

Any excuse for a FWIP between stars! Fuel Scoop out, overheating, warning lights flashing... This is fine!

On her way to her plotted course of Maia she arrived in HIP 14479... and discovered Alien probes are just laying around in space... It scanned her ship, so it's obviously working... Maybe it'll help attract their attention!

Straight away Inyahin discovers why these things are Illegal in almost every civilised system, it started doing damage to her ship immediately it was brought on board. Inyahin started having hallucinations and dizziness as well caused by proximity to this. Remembering the last time she was in close proximity to these and swearing to leave them alone, but now needed.

Within 10 minutes of picking up this tiny Alien probe, her ship is pulled out of hyperspace....

Ships systems malfunctioning... Then suddenly the power goes out and her ship is left adrift in space...

With a ship design she's never seen before, but looks some how familiar but can't quite place flies out in front of her... its engines seem to be powered by whatever it is that's messing up the space around this Alien Probe. It makes her sick to her stomach as space bends and folds as it passes her ship.

The ship turning around to face her and then...

Her ship is scanned by this almost blinding yellow light, her ship sensors and shields are powered down... she doesn't know what other radiation may be being used by the alien...

Then as quickly as it arrived, it turns and runs,... The eagle Inyahin is flying is fast and this thing just rushes off into the distance... It got a good head start on her... and she begins broadcasting her message of peace.

"Dear Visitors to our Galaxy, I've heard that you have Mug Ownership Deficiency Syndrome, so to rectify this... I've brought you a Hutton Mug!
Please accept this gift with great honour and humility from the Hutton Truckers and Paladin Consortium"

The alien ship jumps into hyperspace... she jettisons her hutton mug and leaves a message on a sub subspace beacon... "I'll leave this mug here you can collect it in your own time!"

Mission completed she returns home to the Core Systems.... hoping that other commanders are equally as peaceful and generous.

When she arrives home she's met with that familiar sight of the news boards....
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︎7 Shiny!
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