Logbook entry


25 Feb 2017Inyahin
Inyahin; after departing Colonia started on her way to Sagittarius A*.
After a hop, skip and jump to the core she found it was filled with blackholes and neutron stars.
They were very closely packed.... she was pretty much ignoring all other stars.

But as enticing as the Blackholes may be. She can never resist the chance for a good FWIP.

And after a bit more exploration of blackholes back onto the Neutron Highway. Marking some pretty sights on the way.

Never, ever enter the neutron star from this side... It will mean almost certain death.

Halfway to Sagittarius A*

After many many days of jumping Neutron Star after Neutron Star; she finally arrived at Sagittarius A*

And it's companion Star Sagittarius B.

Then starts her trip back home, in a much in a straight line as possible; She feels she's been away too long and wants to get back to her friends; and these grumpy passengers, well they are being grumpy!

On her way out of the core, she comes across a few Nebulas left over from dying star explosions.

And after 3000lightyears of having virtually no Neutron Stars, she arrives at Jackson's Gateway. The last Neutron Star before Home. Thankfully it's also the last jump... bypassing all the angry & hateful pilots in the core.

After dropping off her passengers, and giving her stellar cartography data she gets a message from the Pilot's Federation congratulating her on her new Elite Rank.
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