Logbook entry

... Transmissions Intercepted ...

04 May 2017Inyahin
3303-04-29 - Inyahin was doing her normal trade runs to and from Zaonce, in the system of Helgaedi, when a light started blinking on her dashboard, she's quite sure that she had never seen that light blinking before.

After investigation of her computer logs she found that her ship's on board communication array had intercepted a narrow band communication transmitted from the Anumclaw system.

The transmission starts

...Corrupted Transmission RAGAZZA-1 Detected...

It describes what some would consider fightening, but after Inyahin's Elven studies on Human psychology and historical events from her home, she was not at all surprised to be reading this.

But she wonders... where did this information come from? who sent it? and why?

And just how did she happen to be in between the source and the destination at the time of it's transmission?

These transmissions raise more questions than it answered...
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