Logbook entry


01 Dec 2017Inyahin
Inyahin's Cobra and Sidewinder had been parked up at Levchenko Relay when it was taken over by ISIS POSSE. Both ships were lost, transponders hacked and are now flying under new flags of ISIS POSSE with cloned Pilot's Federation ID cards plugged into the ship's transponder to keep the identity of the pilot anonymous and to throw any "wrong doings" away from retribution of the iron claw of Torval.

Cloned CMDR Transponder: Inyahin
Pilot: «unknown»

---- Intercepted Signal ----
From: Hutton Orbital Truckers
To: <hidden cc list>
Message: Bring xmas Gifts to Maia to put under the Holo-Tree for the Yuletide festivities.
Required: Hutton Mugs, Centauri Mega Gin, Baubles and Gifts!

The anonymous commander, lets call "Uncle Bob" (gender not implied), decided this would be a good way to bring much needed positive Karma to the ISIS POSSE who have been years under bad weather having lost friends and family to the Imperial Slave Machine that is Zemina Torval.

The trip starts just like any other. With a stop off at Hutton Orbital for Mugs and Gin. The computer records show that this was the former ships captain's favourite spot in the Galaxy. At least 0.22 light years from anywhere that matters.

The next stop, Snow moon to pick up Crystalline Spheres to hang on the Holo Tree

After a hop, skip and a jump, Frost Dock to pick up some Gifts from the shopping mall.

Then; off to Maia! The journey was wholly uneventful; she arrived at the nebula with just one jump left.

Last Jump into Maia.... and all hell breaks loose; hyperspace tunnel becomes unstable, the computer goes on the fritz, and suddenly the ship falls out of witchspace into a dead area of space between the stars.

The Thargoids are here!

The computer blinks on again as the ship is being scanned and reads out...
What to do when being scanned by a Thargoid... DON'T PANIC! Thargoids, historically, are not hostile to Commanders, and seem curious, if not defensive. They will take an aggressive posture at close proximity, and if attacked respond with deadly determination. It makes you curious why there are so many wrecked imperial and federal fleets around.
Best Strategy: Keep your distance, watch and observe only.
Combat Capabilities: DATA ENCRYPTED «Enter quantum key ICEELF05»
Likes: Bring them Meta Alloys they will love you forever.
Dislikes: They will attack you instantly if you're carrying Guardian Technology.

Being a smuggler, Uncle bob knows the best source for meta Alloys is Darnielle's Progress, in the next system Maia! So bookmarks the location of this curious thargoid and heads off to find the Meta Alloys.

Jumping back to the thargoid site, instantly catches the thargoid's attention, bringing it point blank, so close Uncle bob could almost reach out and touch it... but remembers the advise of the on-board-computer... DON'T PANIC! Surely the most helpful or intelligible thing anyone has said all day.
Uncle bob activates the cargo hatch and jettisons the Meta Alloys, fingers and toes crossed...

Uncle bob's lucky day! The thargoid tractor beams the Meta Alloys and eats them yup! Yum yum! One... then the second! and goes back to it's business... Uncle bob wishes the thargoid a merry xmas before heading back to the mission at hand... jumping back to Maia once more...

OHHHH GOSH! That jump was a bit close to this Gas Giant.... A lovely view though. And then suddenly, pirate demands from Captain Sparrow demanding the Centauri Mega Gin! Well Uncle Bob isn't having this... High Wake Exit spoofing is an old pirate trick, bringing the victim ship into a known location for a quick ambush! But it has it's drawbacks, a quick booop on the nose and the ship falls out of supercruise into normal space. Uncle bob presses the booop button and evades Captain Sparrow, who now needs to spend the next 5 minutes rebooting his Frame Shift Drive.

Safe at last, within the weapon's arc of Obsidian Orbital...

Here to decorate the holo-tree, and deposit donations of gifts, mugs, and gin neatly under the tree.
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︎5 Shiny!
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