Logbook entry

chronicle 3 Swimming in Opals

18 Jun 2023Torquay Mouse
One evening after docking the Crowded Sky , "That's the name I chose for my Cobra" at Majida station in the Apam Nampat system, I was taking a stroll to the local watering hole. I was following two old boys, who seemed to be headed for the same bar. I could hear their conversation. The short one wearing the woolly green hat was arguing with his friend about the the bennefits of fixed mounts over turreted abrasion blasters. I have to admit I was engrossed in the conversation as I know next to nothing about mining myself, but I have heard that it can be very proffitable.

I walked into the pub and followed them up to the bar. The landlord had seen them walk through the door and was already pouring their drinks. The bar's patrons consisted of two other more old fellows, sat at a table playing Dominoes. The conversation about mining was halted as greetings and insults were exchanged, and a short round of laughter was shared by the three of them. The Barman looked over to me as I pulled up a stall at the bar, "What can I get you"? "I'll have a beer, thanks, and
this rounds on me guys!" Winston, the guy in the woolly hat, or Winnie as he was known to the locals, raised his glass high and clashed into mine, thanks.
Winnie's friend George was, to begin with, the quiet type but as the evening wore on and the beer was consumed, George opened up, became quite chatty and showed he had a sharp mind and a dry whit. Winnie and George had been best mates going on for tweenty five years. Before they had retiered, they worked together as miners.

I spent three weeks docked at Majida. After a week delivering Mugs and Gin, I thought I'd take a few days off and hang out with my new mates. The few days turned into weeks because Winnie and George convinced me to convert my Cobra into a mining ship.

They took me under their wing and tought me the tricks of their trade. They took me to the best mining equipment suppliers to buy quality stuff for reasonable prices, and showed me where to get the equipment fitted and who had the best reputation. I had earned a load of credits doing delivery jobs but this ship conversion nearly broke the bank. During the day we worked and in the evening we drank, of course!

Three weeks later and I set course for a location that George and Winnie had told me about but made me promise to keep it under my hat. Their training was invaluable. A month after first meeting Winnie and George, I was headed back to the Bubble, my Cobra's hold stuffed with Void Opals.
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