Logbook entry

chronicle 5 Happy Birthday

22 Jun 2023Torquay Mouse
The mining is how I make money, the shipping freight from A to B is how I relax and just enjoy being a commander, traveling from place to place, visiting all these different stations floating in space, landing on all these wonderful worlds, the sense of freedom I have now is incredable, so different from a year ago, working in that clostraphobic warehouse back on swigert port.
Buying that ratty old Cobra made a big difference to my life thats for sure, but meeting George and Winnie changed my life completely. I now have two best friends that I would do anything for, they have given me their knowledge and expirience and have been there for me in my time of need, and never asked for anything in return, I couldn't ask for better friends.

It was around six months ago when I bought that Lakon type six and she has served me very well, but just lately my company Majida Shipping has grown to the point where she can't handle the large loads I'm being asked to transport, a lot of local buisnesses have given me their custom and I've become very busy. I've had my eye on the big boy, the lakon type nine. Now I know, being an empire boy through and through I should be aiming for the clipper or the cutter but here's the thing, I don't like the look of them, they are uggly. I'm a Lakon man, and the type nine is what I call beautiful.

Now I know that the three of us play this game, where one of us ends up having to pay the bar bill for the week and we all make a big show of how much it's going cost us, but the honest truth is that George and Winnie are both billionaires many times over, and my credit ballance is looking very handsom these days, so who gets stuck with the bill is really a silly joke.

Come on, hurry up said Winnie as George dragged me off my stool at the Map and Compass, we've got places to be, Oh really first I've heard of it, wear are we going, I said. Just come on said Winnie, your see when we get there, when we get where? what's the mystery? You'll see, It's a supprise. We headed away from the commercial district and towards the docks with me moaning about not liking mysteries, after a short walk we stopped the hanger. Their was a wide verity of ships parked at the docks, we pulled up short in front of a brand new Lakon type nine, George and Winnie both had big cheshire cat grins on their faces. What's going on? Why are we here? I said, They were both stairing up at the nine, they said in unison, Happy Birthday kid.
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