Logbook entry

chronicle 6 Money for old rope

23 Jun 2023Torquay Mouse
Oh shut up, your having as much fun as I am and you know it. It feels great getting old jess jess out of mothballs and taking her out for a jaunt, we havn't done this in years. We should be thanking the kid for getting us out of the same old tiered routine we had fallen into, not him thanking us, said George. Yeh yeh, ok it's fun to be mining agian, I admit, but for water, I'm never gonna live this down, said Winnie.

ok, this one's done, next, said George, Winnie slid the type nine away from the asteroid and steered her over to the next signal that was showing up on his screen, this ones showing a good percentage of diamonds as well as water, the kid had the good sence to mine for water in a low temperature diamond hot spot, he's not daft.
George squeezed the trigger and four super hot laser beams blasted into the ice asteroid in front of his cockpit, chunks of ice and rock where difting away into the black, collector limpets raced here and there, greedily gathering up all of the bits that tried to escape.
A few asteroids over the kid was busy in his type seven, the glow from his yellow mining lasers lighting up the ice asteroids close to his ship. Ok said George, finished here, on to the next.

You know you guys really saved my arse this week, I wouldn't have got that contract in on time without your help, thank you!
you don't need to keep thanking us, I had fun today, and dispite all Winnie's bluster, so did he. Yes I had a good time but the drinks are on you for the rest of the week kid said Winnie.
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