Cmdr GertFlare
Xenobiologist / Assassin
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Ukrainian Pilots Federation
Arissa Lavigny-Duval

Logbook entry

Scorpion SRV as Explorer and Why You Should to Take It in Explorations

26 May 2022GertFlare
As you know, the newest Vogel SRV "Scorpion" have a ground tank role (with a bullsh#t plasma minigun). But, the "Scorpion" have some benefits in comparing with SRV "Scarab" at the planet explorations.

His main advantage over "Scarab" - climbing abilities, especially on ice planets.
Scorpion's driving wheels is giving more power than "Scarab" wheels, so, "Scorpion" can climb at a steeper angle than "Scarab" (on pic the angle is steeper, it just became so as SRV not to slide down)
"Scarab" on ice planets start to slide creepy at 40+ degrees of incline and lose his speed faster than "Scorpion"

Another advantage of "Scorpion" - stability.
Chassis of "Scorpion" is pretty hard and wheels have rigid suspension, so, that allow you not to fly from the light impact.
He's also have a big mass (30 "Scorpion" tons vs 4 "Scarab" tons), that allow have a relatively good stability in case when gravity is low (less than 0.10G).
"Scarab" have awful stability at low-gravity planet, also can fly away from the planet by a light impact and became artificial satellite of natural satellite of another planet

Big hull mass - big hull integrity. With "Scorpion" you won't crumble like a crouton if you fall from high mountain
"Scarab" is a non-combat SRV, so, he have low hull integrity and allow you to die from falling very quickly.

"Scorpion" also have a limitations.

The most worst thing in "Scorpion" - thrusters. They can get up SRV only for a 3(!!) seconds
"Scarab" can reach pretty good distances only by flying
Awful thrusters restricts movement to "Scorpion", you just can't fly on it

"Scorpion" have worse top ground speed than "Scarab" - (32 m/s vs 38 m/s)
P.S: "Scarab" have unlimited speed, just don't forget about thrusters ^-^

Recently, I started new exploration with both SRV's. If you like driving on the planets, recommended to do the same thing and chill on the atmo planets
By this comparison i wish to give to "Scorpion" "new life" and show his benefits in another direction, because developers made him very weird vehicle to ground combat and mostly none using it.

o7, Explorers!
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