Logbook entry

Raven's Scouts Restoration

03 Jun 2020kamecchi
You've been there too. Brand new pilot, right out of the Trader's school or Naval Pilot Academy. Finally put old, dinged Sidewinder to storage and went too blaze your own trail in the galaxy in the pilot seat of spanking new vessel. Mine was Cobra Mk. III, Kamaitachi.

Like many new pilot, initial enthusiam got swallowed by emptiness of space. Outside of school environment, with no hand-holding and goal setting, it is easy to loose focus. There I was. Deciat. Got Kamaitachi back from Farseer Inc. with spanking new drive, but having none of my own. What shall I do, I wondered.

Out of boredom and sheer necessity - yeah, those pesky pirates - I decided to go to Grendel for some combat training. Heard they have nice facility near RES sites that can provide resupply, repair and cash those bounties. Did not take long to get too much combat and seek some quiet quality time on short range cargo haul. And there I found it. In Cai System.

They call themselves Raven's Scouts and they used to be strong faction. Controlled several systems, multiple stations. But hard times came by, most of the elite pilots that supported them have left and the only thing left of the old glory was few mention on bulletin boards.

Call me sentimentalist, call me stupid. I've decided to throw in with the sorry lot help them rebuild.

I'm back in the cokpit of my trusted Kamaitachi, hauling goods, fighting pirates. But this time I've got an aim and I will document my effort too. What else there is to do in the depth of the space than write. One can stare to the blackness outside only so long, before going mad....
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