Logbook entry

All you need is to salvage few boxes

04 Jun 2020kamecchi
What the heck am I doing? I should be working hard for Scouts, but somehow I ended hauling goods and ferrying messages for Santal Legal Partners. I must have grown soft (or did not get hard and jaded yet) and the sight of piss poor, end of nowhere station the call their home made me feel bad for them. Luckily, they are in dire need of lot of food stuffs and Raven's Landing provides plenty of that. When I get back to Cai, I could borrow old Type-6, load it up and move all that stuff in one trip.

But that is for later. While hopping from star to star like mad rabbit, I actually managed remembered what guys are Future Hope were saying - there is a plenty of money in salvage and if 'happen' to run into few black boxes they they managed to 'mislay' in the depths of space they pay me big time and even say something nice to the right ear or two.

Yeah. I'm so green I need occasional mowing. First stop, Grendel. Easy. Fire up FSS, home on the blackbox emission signature and off we go to scoop it. I was about to drop the hatch when two ass-hats dropped out of nowhere, guns blazing. I slammed the half opened cargo scoop and full boost to get some space. Kamaitachi is slick ride, but it takes time to deploy its hardpoints and time was what I needed. Grendel is civilized, I was sure patrol will be along shortly. I just needed to survive.

To my surprise, that combat training in icy rings has paid of. Before greens got to me, one of the pirates was fast expanding cloud of space debris and I had the second one in front of my cannons. At first I was just pissed off. Who is supposed to look for 3 pocking boxes in all of that scrap. I need to get myself some limpets, every time I line up the scoop and go forward I see the haul smashing right through my cockpit.

I never realized how much the event shook me, till I went to dock at my next stop - Kaukamine. I lined up with the mail slot nice and smooth, sailing right in. Just to be greeted with tress-passer warning because forgot to request docking. I shot out of the station like scalded cat, but still got slapped with 500CR fine. And those bastards assigned me to slot 1 too. I hate landing on that pad, its right behind mail slot and hard to line up for approach.

Sigh, two more salvage mission ahead of me. Hopefully those will be easier than current one. My nerves are really tight now. But I just need to get them done and then it is Type-6 and some cargo hauling. Hope those hicks at Santal will appreciate that.
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