Logbook entry

First log.

02 Aug 2020Bear McPike
Where to begin? So much space.. So many options... So many unanswered questions and mysteries.. I find myself feeling a little like a fox just into a chicken's coop. I've tried my hand at a lot of the path's that lay before me and can't say that I absolutely love one in particular or than to say, being a non-confrontationalist tends to steer me away from conflict zone. Disheartening really, to think with all there is out here - we still fight umongst ourselves. With that - what's next?

I'm currently out in the area around Maia - man, the Thargs are thick. Was wrenched from hyperspace three times! Thankfully, I've gotten skilled at vacating there area quickly once back to normal-space and thanks to the nimble swiftness of the Saloli (Old earth language of Cherokee - means Squirl), I'm usually so far off they never bother to scan me or bring any weapons to bear. The do manage to knock me out though with their .. .. emp blast.

Started trackin' down some old listening post messages. Managed to locate one station that was abandoned way back when the Thargs started showing up in this region. The ole Sharpe Works settlement on Pleiades Sector IC-U B3-1 (1), -4.94x-85.76. Recovered some logs the mayor left prior/during the evac. Hope they all made it back. There was some CAP circling, but those boys were tight lipped - wouldn't even respond to my hails. They didn't seem to mind me landing and poking around though.

Came across several other LPs and have the triangulation information, but.. space is big. Search for what felt like days, but didn't locate any other evidence. Here's a list of the LPs idents;

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