Logbook entry

8/4/3306 - Growing the fleet

05 Aug 2020Bear McPike
It is my intent to own at least one of every type ship available. Tonight I will work on this some and if I can manage it, I will also look into obtaining permits to the following systems/planets;

Luyten 347-14
Triton (Sol)
Diso 5 (Diso)
Lave 2 (Lave)

After some research, I found that the three planets in my list are locked for security reasons that were not explained in the coretec. I will keep my eyes/ears open should that change. However, I learned that the Luyten 347-14 system permit is available by gaining favor with the controlling faction. I've located the systems in where I can find them (Stopover, Narenses, Ross 780 and Fomalhaut).

But first, my travels and ships collected worthy of noting in my logs. These are listed in chronological order as I traveled;

- NLTT 2224 - surveyed.
- Pegasi Sector UE-N A8-0 - surveyed.
- Jewul > Rushd City - Purchased a Type 6 for 866,828 CR.
- Piscium Sector IR-W B1-1 - surveyed.
- 64 Ceti > Jensen Gateway - Purchased DBX for 1,570,283 CR.
- Pegasi Sector QI-S B4-3 - surveyed.
- Kaurukat > Phillifent Port - Purchased Keelback for 2,590,801 CR. Also picked up a courier contract to Farruka Dock in the Holvandalla system for 31,241 CR.
- Holvandalla > Farrukh Dock - Delivered data, paid 31,241 CR.
- Holvandalla > Shalatula Ring - Purchased Asp Scout for 3,282,807 CR.
- Xuanook - surveyed.
- Sietae > Mining Vision - Purchased Type 7 for 14,408,130 CR.
- BD+03 515 - surveyed. Was interdicted while scanning. Pirate bugged out after scanning me. I gave chase however he managed to escape even after I landed a few shots.
- Ross 780 > Aristotle Gateway - Took on courier job to Banks Refinery in the George Pantazis system for 10,064 CR and reputation.
- George Pantazis > Banks Refinery - Delivered data, awarded 10,064 CR and reputation.
- Narenses - surveyed.
- Stopover > Darkwater Station - Was interdicted on approach to the station, and again, the pirate escape after being shot a few times. Donated 450,000 CR to Luyten 347-14 PC faction. Made reservation to have passenger cabin module shipped here for use tomorrow.

I've noted of late that movin' people/passengers currently is more cost/time effective than some of the other trades currently. All part of the cycle of life I guess. I'll use that as incentive to perhaps get the Dolphin or Orca outfitted and put them to use (haven't secured a Beluga yet). Not that they'd be better at the job - just when you look at the Kruger lines, they scream passenger moving - in my opinion... Turning in for the night.
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︎0 Shiny!
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