Logbook entry

8/6/3306 - A quick Benitoite run.

07 Aug 2020Bear McPike
Overheard some drunks talking out a good mining spots earlier. Have some time as I've made arraignments for my Clipper to be brought to Smith Terminal. Departed for RBS 1843 to see if the tip pans out. Arrived without any issues and surveyed the system - lots of ringed bodies. Upon checking the first one I noted that it contains some Benitoite, which was on the upper end on the cortex which I checked prior to leaving and having never mined for that before I jumped in to give it a go - found it to be just like core mining for opals. Utilized all 128 limpets and cracked several asteroids for a total 59Ts.

Headed to the reported best selling port for the material at the time which was the Euclid station in Luyten 145-141 system - only two jumps away. Sold all 59t for 929,666 CR per ton for a total transaction of 54,850,294 CR.

Returned to Smith Terminal and began re-configuring the Inoli for laser mining and will set up the clipper, which I've decided to name Digger for now, for the core mining runs - she'll travel through the belts faster hopefully resulting in better returns. I will need to check a few stations for a few of the missing components and modules to complete this, but will leave that for a later, as it's been a long day, and I'm ready to turn in.
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