Logbook entry

8/9/3306 - Unsolved mysteries...

10 Aug 2020Bear McPike
After a good nights sleep, I continued to follow the clues found in the logs. I got a late start but after a good breakfast I was soon underway again en-route to HIP 7158. System scans found yet another abandoned depot on Body(A2D). The area was devoid of any activity. The depot looked to have been ram-sacked long ago but there was enough power in the equipment to recover the logs - which again - pointed to another location in the LP 389-95 system.

It was at this abandoned medical facility that the trail stops. More logs however, while there's mention of 'being moved', this time there's no indication as to where.

It was very clear the last couple days that INRA, in it's day, was VERY good at not putting all it's "eggs" in one basket. And the lengths they went to, to make sure each site was 'in the dark' as to not only what work was being performed at each site and that the sites were unaware of the others and the end goal. But for those of us whom have visited "that site", it's clear what it was.

While I understand the choices made, and the feelings, I totally get why. But I'm also glad - based on what is currently happening out in the Pleiades Sector - the ultimate goal was note met.

What would be different had this plan not played out? Would that war still be on-going? Could we have made peace, or would the human race be in dire straights? I've heard stories about a "Dynasty Project" and that it was a "contingency plan"....

But I digress...

I returned to some more unfinished personal business; I've been wanted to check out on of these "HOT" mining locations, and to try my hand at some laser mining so I returned to Smith Terminal and swapped back into the Iloni and headed out to one of the Col 285 sites that everyone was raving about.

Arrived after several unmolested jumps and located the set of rings. After dropping into the triple hotspot I started prospecting. Actually came across two rocks that reported as depleted - a result of over mining obviously. After a little over an hour and 128 limpets later I'd managed only 29T of LTDs. I think I'll stick with my favored locations - closer to home, yet out of the way and plenty of resources. It tends to be more productive for me.

It must have been a long day. As I pour over my notes - I've forgotten where I ended up selling my load but I have the numbers; 29t of LTDs at 707,915 CR/ton (total 20,529,535 CR). I remember noting that the price was lower than what was listed in the cortex prior to departing the rings. It's just getting harder to maintain a living these days.

<<Checked ships logs - buying station was Brom Hub in Cordenet system>>

Void Opals are still valuable, but they too are getting harder to find.

After unloading - I set course back to Fortuna to complete a few other tasks. Switched back to the phantom and them made a quick stop at the Galileo station in Sol. I'd picked up some system scans that hadn't been logged yet when I was on a visit to the only missing (now found) Gen ship that is still populated. Pretty cool to see some history still at work. Sold off the Cartography data to those fine folks and improved my standings with them.

Then is was a short stop at Ray Gateway to upgrade the fuel scoop.

I pledged to LYR a couple days ago - so I should show some good faith effort on my part. Collected 30t of FSP materials from Goldstein Port and ran them out to Birkhoff Station in Chnemine. Then another run of 20t to Cseszneky Ring in Obato.

Decided that was enough for the day - so returned home to Smith Terminal for a little time off and to consider my next direction.

Been thinking a trip out toward Coalsack and Chamaeleon nebulas, or to look into the Hawkings/Conflux/Formadine areas. But those last three are more 'expedition' level ventures, so they're on the list with going to Colonia, Sag A and Beagle Point...
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