Logbook entry

8/12/3306 - New mining test.

13 Aug 2020Bear McPike
Tested out my new configurations tonight. After a slight false start - turns out that DSS data is stored in the DSS itself and not your ships computer - I started searching for void opals in the Digger. I'm really taking a liking to this system for my mining needs - seems to have plenty of what I'm looking for. Tonight's hot spot was a dense set of rings round the A6 planet. Things got a little tight, but it was productive. Apart from one big 'roid strike and two complete system shutdowns (I'll need to have maintenance look into this when I return ((aka game connection drops))), the chore went well. After about an hour or two and a 130 limpets later, the hold was completely full of opals (144T), and sadly I had to leave a little floating.

I returned to the stations unmolested and swapped the cargo over to the Mk2. After checking the cortex for prices, I set out to the Kunggi system and the Vaesalius City station. This trip was also uneventful but my mind was a little more at ease as I have this geared out for a fight should a pirate get a urge to engage.

Once station side, I found that the cortex pricing was on the money at 1,385,516 CR/T. Sold the whole lot of 144T for a lovely total of 199,514,204 CR. Not a bad evening of work if I may say so.

My return trip was much faster, being 144Ts lighter. I did check the markets to see if I could return with goods needed but found nothing on the list at the time. Mental note; check that market prior to my next run - never hurts to make some CRs going both ways.
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︎0 Shiny!
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