Logbook entry

GF-1 3307 prep. complete.

01 Jan 2021Bear McPike
3307.01.01. Prep for exploration expeditions are complete. Fleet carriers (FCs) Argo (V2M-10Y) and Starr's Bastion (V8G-NOY) are fueled and ready. We get underway at 15:00 UTC on 3307.01.02 for our first destination, Vulpecula Dark Region. Not to far for the first leg -690.37 LY- we should be able to sort out any issues should they arise. Hoping to see what we can find out there. I've put out a final call for other commanders that my want to join us - they just need to make their way to the Caerus system prior to departure. If all goes as planned we will have time to explore the following regions; Vulpecula Dark, Veil East & West, Sadr, North America and Pelican sectors, Crescent, Bubble, Elephant's Trunk and Cave. This will mark Argo's 3rd expedition and the Starr's maiden major cruise. We are excited to get started and head out there.
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