Logbook entry

Dynasty Project horros.

18 May 2022Bear McPike
Returning from trip out past the Formidine Rift. Found additional abandoned sites along the way and.. .. The Zumara. The poor souls of that boat. Double crossed by their employers and murdered in the depths of space like that. I'm sure the individuals responsible are long dead by now - I hope - although, catching up on the latest news, things do not look to have improved.

Made a long streach from the Bubble Neb to Elephants today - 4100+ lys. Only 2500 lys left to get back to Skeg. Was tempted to recommission an FC and head out for several years, but nothing like a long few weeks out in the black to make one reconsider staying closer to home - but.. .. can't help by feel something is brewing and I'm not sure I wanna be too close when it boils over.

Perhaps a good rest will help.
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