Cmdr L. Durinck
Diplomat / Privateer
Registered ship name
otc infinity
Credit balance
Registered ship ID
Federal Corvette LD-20F
Overall assets
Olympus Trading Corp.
Felicia Winters

Logbook entry

The Jackal

16 Feb 2021L. Durinck
Strange, thats all I can think. Whats happening, I don't know. My old friend Crosby, former leader of the Winters Wolves, went insane.
He became hostile to everyone around him, his best friends, most trusted pack mates and members of my company. Everyone he worked with before. He no longer trusts them.
Going as far as accusing us of betrayal, he seemed to be disconnected from reality. We all tried to get him back, but to no avail.

He went in to hiding. He swore he would take revenge on us. WW, OTC and every one else that he worked with before.
The few people he trusted joined him. They are really dedicated to the man.

Intel came in today. He was not joking at all. He created a new group, Shadow Wolves. It's only purpose, our destruction .
He also changed his name to "The Jackal". I do not like this.
Not at all.
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