Cmdr Pops "Black Friday" Ravendish
Miner / Explorer
Registered ship name
Abigail V
Credit balance
Elite V
Registered ship ID
Imperial Cutter PO-22C
Overall assets
Bastards of Kharon
Zemina Torval

Logbook entry

08-Jan. 3307 personal log of Cmdr Pops Ravendish

After a long discussion with my son, Kik "Clipped" Ravendish, I decided to start a daily journal. These are the records of my journeys and adventures. I am not a scribe, and spell check can only do so much.

Here we go....

I'm out in the Colonia sector to do some exploration and occasional mining.
I had been flying my favorite Karma Kite, a Krait MKII, but I just needed a little more optional space, so I headed back to Colonia, about 600 LY to retasked my Colonia Python to the roll of deep, long-range exploration.

I had asked Kik about "water geysers" that I had seen mentioned in the Codex, but only as reported, not verified. In my travels throughout the EOL PROU sector, I had seen numerous water geysers on many of the planets I had scanned, but had no idea how to document them. "Pops" Kik says, "Use your composition scanner!" At the time I didn't even have it bound in my fire groups as I had never known how or when to use it. After getting back to Jaques Station I re-fitted TFS Pops Colonia Python.Here is a link to the build:

I am still a noob and have so much to learn, so if you see some glaring mistake I made in the buildout, let me know, I am always open to positive suggestions.

So, using Road to Riches Neutron Star plotter I made my way back to EOL PROU XL-U b20-59 1 b, which according to my FSS had water geysers. I made planetfall at Geological site 10 and as I approached a suitable landing zone I brought up my composition scanner, pointed the Python at one of the many geysers, and soon enough the scanner turned blue and I had my first discovery of a water geyser. (While still back at Jaques Station in Colonia I linked Market Connector to the game and now the discovery goes directly into the Codes, without having to hurry back and upload the data.)
More later
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