Cmdr Pops "Black Friday" Ravendish
Miner / Explorer
Registered ship name
Abigail V
Credit balance
Elite V
Registered ship ID
Imperial Cutter PO-22C
Overall assets
Bastards of Kharon
Zemina Torval

Logbook entry

Prismatic Shields Grind

o7 Greetings Commanders

So you need Prismatic Shields to protect your combat ship? Here is a quick and easy grind to achieve that goal.
After you have been aligned with Aisling Duval for a minimum of 4 weeks....
On a Wednesday I flew my longest-ranged ship to Wababa System, Roelofs Station. I had my Type 9 with 752 Tons of Cargo space ( around $2 M Cr from where it was at) delivered to Roelofs. When it arrives go to the Power Contact and buy 750 T of Media Materials. It is an expensive grind. You can only buy the Materials in 10 T lots, each costing $100,000, and it takes time. Buy 10 hit okay, select buy, buy 10 and repeat, 75 times at $100,000 per revolution equals $7,500,000 Cr.
Then fly to HIP 1572, about 18.54 Ly. Proceed to Cannon Station, about 88 Ls. (both stations have large pads so there are no issues there). Go to the Power Contact and sell/donate the 750 T of Media Materials. Then return to Roelofs Station. I picked up 752 T of leather, so I wouldn't be deadheading (Trader at heart) and made around $400 K Cr for my trouble.
I parked for the night.
When you log back in the following day (Thursday after 0700 Game time,) you will find that you have been promoted to Rating 3 which unlocks the Prismatic Shield.
Go to outfitting, trade one of your 8E cargo racks for an 8A prismatic shield, your balance will be another $237,782, 735 lighter, but you will be good to go.
I hope this will help.
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︎5 Shiny!
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