Cmdr Pops "Black Friday" Ravendish
Miner / Explorer
Registered ship name
Abigail V
Credit balance
Elite V
Registered ship ID
Imperial Cutter PO-22C
Overall assets
Bastards of Kharon
Zemina Torval

Logbook entry

Well that sucked!

I have been on a weeks-long journey out to the Colonia region. I was about 5 jumps away in TFCS Pops Redoubt.

The Rebout was parked near a ringed giant with multiple hotspots I had been mining. As usual, I had the FC open to ALL, knowing that at times, out in the black, I needed a fuel stop or a repair shop, so it seemed appropriate.
Before departing the Bubble I had stocked up on Tritium to insure I had enough fuel to get to Colonia and at least part of the way back. Being the slothful sort, I had left my Tritium market open to selling at WAY below market value, beings I was the one buying it and transferring it to Rebout's fuel tank.
Yeah, well, when I logged back in, I noticed there was another FC nearby. I thought it odd because I was really off the beaten track. Giving it no further thought I resumed jumping towards Colonia. After the first jump, I thought I would top off my fuel tank! Wait! What? Where'd all my Tritium go? Yeah, I'm an idiot!
Well, as bad as it was, it could have been worse. On a previous visit to this region, I had saved a few locations that had hotspots of interest. I had saved a system that had numerous Tritium sites, and as fortune would have it, I had enough Tritium to get me there.
So I arrived in EOL PROU JD-L b24-7 with only 23% fuel remaining, It looks as though I will be here for a while filling my tank and restoring my reserves.
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︎2 Shiny!
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