Logbook entry

Juni, I Know You Were Involved in the Attacks

15 Sep 2020KZ Kawasaki
This is a letter to my ex-wife that I'm entering in my public log in the hopes it will help bring to justice those responsible for the death and suffering of innocent civilians.  Prior to our separation we both worked at a corporation, which I won't name, on technology which would have enabled the placement of explosives massive enough to severely damage a station.  One reason for our split was her increasingly radical ideals and involvement with underground groups working to destabilize the Empire.  This was from the Alliance side, but I know there were groups everywhere working towards this same goal.  There is no doubt in my mind that Juni has the motivation, the means, and the opportunity to directly support terrorists.

As much as I still care for her, she and her associates must be exposed.


As I dictate this I am jumping home from Gabjaujis after spending a long day transporting refugees off that burning station.  That station that I KNOW you helped attack.

You should know I did this even though I still reject much of how the Empire exists.  But remember, I believe all humans should be equal, so these souls should not be denied assistance.  So I went.

I'm writing this to tell you, first-hand, that nobody deserved what I saw these people experience.  Many of my passengers were still bloody and covered in debris.  All were distraught, desperate, and carrying whatever belongings they could hold.  They made a treacherous journey to a docking area that was still on fire, having to run the last few meters from the loading dock to the ship.  Many waited for hours for transport off the station.

Onboard, I overheard many tears, much sorrow, and endless stories of lost loved ones.  One teenager was relaying the story of looking up from the schoolyard to see the section of the habitation ring disappear in a flash... where his parents work in the commercial complex.  None of this is justified, Juni, none of it.

That was just one run of refugeees.  I, and other pilots, ferried thousands and thousands of these same stories today.  Each run I insisted on walking out to see and help these Imperial Citizens board my ship.  But I knew it was time to quit when I could not leave the cockpit to see them anymore.  The distress was overwhelming.  It has taken a heavy emotional toll on me.

Know that I am not blaming you, Juni.  I still care about you and your well-being.  But because I know you will read all my words, I wanted you to know that innocent people suffered.  I know you had a hand in causing their suffering, and I gave everything I could to get as many of them out of that hell-hole as I could.

Be extra careful,

K. Z.
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