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I Can Do No Harm or Injustice to The Thargoids

25 Nov 2020KZ Kawasaki
Transcript of a video message reply.

Hey Kiddo,

Yes, I got to Colonia without any issues, slower than I thought but learned how to improve that for next time.  BTW, it is much busier out here than I expected!

On to my message subject.  It is one of the reasons I took a break from The Bubble - to reflect on all this new Xeno activity.  You may have seen Thargoid reports in the news recently.  You may also be reading conspiracy theories that they are made up.  Let me tell you - I have seen them with my own eyes - they are real, and they are beyond any human technology.

My fellow squadmates had persuaded me to help "fight" the Thargoids so I started to put a ship together and study the aliens' patterns and vulnerabilities to prepare to kill them.  Ultimately, though, that Anti-Xeno ship of mine is just collecting space dust in a storage locker.  All because I had to ask "Why?"

While transporting that AX ship, I was hyperdicted for the first time and was helpless while a Thargoid ship studied me.  It did not attack - Why?

We claim to not be able to communicate with them - Why?

They attack our colonies without reason - Why?

Could it be that humanity is the bad guy in this war?  Is the industry of harvesting their barnacles an aggression in their world?  If we built unmanned stations somewhere and aliens colonized to gather our materials, would we be angry too?

There are just too many questions for me to pick a side in this conflict and, frankly, I don't see any end to it.  Hopefully when I return in a few weeks things will have gone quiet again.

I'll stop by and visit once I'm back and I'll tell you a little more privately when we're in person.


PS. Great news about your astrobiology test!  Thanks for thinking of me when picking electives - you know how to make a father proud!

footnote:  In a prior life KZ was a corporate type managing technology development projects - including xeno material.
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