Logbook entry

Bureaucracy Under Fire (A family station rescue story)

20 Jan 2021KZ Kawasaki
==== Teaser ====

CMDR KZ "KayZed" Kawasaki fired another burst of bullets at the pirate Anaconda’s power plant and sat back in his new Corvette’s pilot’s chair, satisfied with the secondary explosions appearing in his view.
“You got me”, The pirate’s voice came over the comms.
As KZ prepared for the shower of debris from the impending explosion COVAS Archer interrupted, “Incoming message, sir”.

His first instinct was to ignore Archer - it was typical to get a complaint or a compliment following a successful reported bounty hunt and KZ was looking forward to an afternoon in the hangar back home tweaking this brand new ship. But as the explosion from the Anaconda illuminated the cockpit he considered that the message did come a few moments too early.

Not thinking too much of this, he plotted his route home, already dreaming about the next ship modifications (motivated by the current galactic discounts on upgrades). The large ship settled into a moderate supercruise run home, and KZ took a few deep breaths, relieved this last contract concluded his work for the faction this week. He then thought he might as well clear his inbox too so he opened the message, which was, strangely, from Sirius Atmospherics:

Dad, I need help. Our astrobiology class was on an excursion in the Coalsack when the stations were attacked. I’m fine but our professor is missing, my classmates are all scattered, and there aren’t enough transports out. I had to wait 12 hours to send this because wireless is restricted and all our conveyances are lost with the professor. I’m at Betancourt Base. I’m hungry, I haven’t slept well since the attacks, and nobody knows what is going on. Can you come in one of your big ships and get me? /Haro

KZ immediately perked up in his seat, a million thoughts running through his head.

==== Part 2====

Commander Kawasaki briefly mourned the loss of his free afternoon as he settled into the cavernous Type-7 Transporter cockpit and started the jump sequence to The Coalsack. He had only been there once to see the new settlements being built in this risky area of space. As the jump sequence continued, his gut wrenched a bit - brief memories of his past corporate science life flashed in his thoughts as Witchspace flew by around him. He had run Xeno-fusion programs at Alcor Solutions, now his son was now on a xeno-damaged station. The mystery of the Thargoids still intrigued him though, beyond the blatant exploitation of the corporations. While he considered how he would invest more time into this, the jump sequence dropped him into the system, just a couple hundred light-seconds from Betancourt Base.

The ironically named Type-7, Long Burn The Fire, arrived out of supercruise and slowly approached the burning station. KZ received the usual panicked docking controller message, and handily flew into the usual fire and debris field. He was a veteran at refugee transport now, and was no longer fazed by the condition of the station. However, this docking would be different. He wouldn't just be picking and loading people, he had to find his only child in this mess.

Once down in the hangar with the anxious traffic controller off the comm, KZ pinged the Passenger Lounge administrator. An older woman's voice came on the comm, sounding hoarse from a day's work, "Is there a problem, Commander?"

"I'm here for refugees, but I also have to find my son. Is there any way you can help me locate him?", replied KZ in as kind a tone as possible.

"Are you crazy? You need to load refugees and get off that large pad, Pilot, there are ships waiting for your spot! We have no way to find someone - internal comms are for emergencies only. There are thousands of refugees here waiting! Your son needs to submit a conveyance request just like everyone else. Now start loading or I will have you fined for trespassing! One more thing - pick a more considerate ship name before you dock again!"

The comm clicked off, and KZ punched the hologram out of frustration, fist passing through the projection. He took a deep breath and held it, "OK, Plan B it is."

==== Part 3 ====

Haro Kawasaki sat on the floor of the hallway outside one of the Betancourt Base passenger lounges. People and luggage filled the lounge, the hallway, and in the nearby areas of the station. A girl to his left was trying to sleep, occasionally leaning her head on his shoulder. A young family was on his right, the parents trying hard to keep the three young children entertained. The air cooling system was straining to keep the temperature from being unbearable and though crates of water were strewn about to help with that, food was scarce. The scene was generally quiet as those most in need had already been evacuated; these were the remainder: those who had "only" lost jobs, just wanted to leave, or had no other means.

He was in the last group and lamented his situation. All there was to do was allow his mind to wander and wait. Haro had already tried to beg other groups to take him off the station, but he had no credits loaded on him so the administrators had put him on a "homeless refugee" list and told him to wait.

A gently beeping commband on Haro's wrist interrupted the silence, garnering attention from everyone within earshot. Civilian comms had been blocked for days by the station authorities trying to control broadcast traffic.

"Dad?" Haro answered the call.

The reply was a very weak, and voice-only, "Haro, I'm glad you're OK. I'm on a wireless repeater I installed on my ship - they won't let me come in to get you. Which landing pad are you at? I'll get there and smuggle you out. I'm in a Vibrant Purple Type-7, Long Burn The Fire. Watch for me."

"Pad 25. Thanks for coming.. And is that really the name of your ship?"

"Long story, I'll be right back", KZ's voice faded and the commband went dark again, displaying "signal lost".

Haro got up, muscles aching from sitting too long, and waded through huddled masses of people to find a viewport. He thought he saw a Type-7 fly out of the station entranceway. As he strained to see through the smoke, he could feel the heat from the inferno outside seeping in.

This other room was the departure area. Another ship was loading at the moment and the refugees filed through, each scanning their commbands at the gate. Haro watched with interest to plot his escape, but almost without fail each had a conveyance contract and a commband. The exception were a few children who were waived through with the adults.

The departure gate alarm suddenly chimed. A middle-aged man was held back by the gate, looking confused. Haro could make out the conversation with the agent from across the room. The man was with the group, but was not listed on their contract. The agent was not letting him pass, even after pleading from the group's representative. The group decided not to leave that man behind, and gave up their spot in the contract queue to re-submit the contract. This would set the back days!

Haro stared at the rather strict agent, "I'm not getting past that gatekeeper…"

==== Part 4 ====

Back aboard Long Burn The Fire KZ, after many attempts and negotiations with surrounding pilots, finally managed to get assigned Pad 25 and proceeded to drop into the hangar bay. He immediately raised the Passenger Departure Contact.

"Pad two-five, I left a crewmember behind on the last run - they had gone into the departure area to help a passenger, could you send him through the gate?"

A stern-sounding man replied, "… I do not have any records of disembarkation, Commander. How did your crewmember get into the station?"

"Wait, maybe it was another pad. But just check if he's there and send him through with the next group of refugees who are boarding."

"Pilot, I can't let anyone through the gate without disembarkation or birth papers. We have to account for everyone on the station. If your crewmember is lost, they'll need to be added to the Search and Rescue List. What is their name?"

KZ thought quickly, "Wait, no, found them. They were lost somewhere in this massive ship."

"Roger, Commander. What is with the name of your ship?!?"

The comm clicked off, "OK… Plan C then" thought KZ to himself, exhaling in frustration at the bureaucracy. He started to click through the passenger contracts, taking a few smaller ones so that boarding would begin. Then he found what he was looking for.

KZ got up and went to the back of the cockpit, turning on a device attached to a console, and begin broadcasting. A voice replied to the ping, "Dad, I can see the ship, but the gatekeeper is not going to let me through."

"I know, I just spoke to them. Listen, find the Holjas Torchew VIP group. Tell them if they add you to their contract, I'll put them in Business Class and reduce their payment to one reputation point. Once I see the…", a stronger signal interrupted them.

"ATTENTION unauthorized broadcast station, cease your transmission or you will be triangulated and fined. This is your only warning. Triangulation begins in three seconds, two, one," KZ quickly shut down the repeater and disconnected it from the ship, hoping his son understood.

Sitting back in the pilot's seat he took a few other contracts, then saw the "Holjas Torchew" contract refresh on the board. What was "4 economy passengers" had updated to…"6"? He accepted the contract immediately, along with a few others, and went out to the loading ramp, fingers crossed.

==== Part 5 ====

Though his normal custom was to greet and check on all his passengers on the loading ramp, for this run, KZ was distracted looking for Haro to come running out of the station. It was one of the last contracts KZ accepted, so they should be the last group called through. He kept looking.

Finally the doors opened and the VIP group came running across the searing hot landing pad the short distance to the Type-7’s boarding ramp. KZ immediately caught Haro’s distinct run, not unlike his own. The two met at the top of the loading ramp, cool air from the ship blowing gently out into the heat. Haro gave his father a big hug, seemingly catching the older man off guard - it had been quite a while since they hugged. KZ returned the embrace, and looked up to see a girl smiling at the scene.

Haro noticed, “Dad, this is my girlfriend Abi-Jul.”

“Mysterious passenger number six! Haro has never mentioned you. Let’s save the formal introduction for later - You’re both lucky - the business class module has six seats. Strap in and we’ll get out of this inferno.”

KZ returned to the cockpit and to a stream of messages from passengers already upset and anxious about the delay during the VIP boarding. There was also one complaint about the name of the ship. He started his pre-recorded rescue departure announcement as he launched the freighter into the flaming docking area and very quickly out the "mailslot".

His voice, slight elitism in his tone, broadcast through the internal speakers, "Welcome to my ship and a short ride to the rescue vessel. I'm sorry for the hardship you suffered and glad I could help. I hope you find a safer home elsewhere, away from the alien threat. If you're looking for that frontier life without the risk, I have been to Colonia and it is beautiful there - consider resettling there! We'll be docking shortly, please check your compartment for your belongings as many things end up in the rescue ship Lost and Found!"

==== Epilogue ====

The rear hatch to the Type-7 cockpit slid open and Haro stood at the doorway. KZ spun around in the pilot's seat to face his son. "I'd invite you to co-pilot, but this ship is a single-seater. You can invite Abi in too for a brief view?"

Haro looked down, and KZ knew what was coming next, "Dad, do you know where Mom is?"

Though still unconfirmed, Juni had most likely aided the Marlinist bombings and then joined them somewhere in their space. Neither of them had heard from her for months now. He thought further before replying, "I've been wondering if she was resettled into the new Marlinist colonies. But it seems like she doesn't want to be found."

"I checked the list of casualties from the Federation station bombing - I didn't see her name," offered Haro. "Can we go looking for her?"

"Don't you have school?"

The younger Kawasaki thought for a moment, "I have 10 days with no more astrobiology excursion. Are you free? Can we go?"

Elder Kawasaki hesitated, and thought for a few moments before replying, "OK, but let's go switch into a nicer ship, and drop off our 'surprise passenger' first."

He switched the ship into a long Supercruise Assist and got out of the chair. He motioned to his son to stroll back to the cabins with him, "Can I meet your girlfriend properly now? Where is she from? Station or Planet? Have you met her parents yet?"

Haro nodded, "First tell me why your station rescue transporter is named Long Burn The Fire?"

Father and son smiled as they retired into the modular area of the massive ship.
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︎5 Shiny!
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