Cmdr Doobs46
Explorer / Trader
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Sbv Belfast
Credit balance
Elite III
Registered ship ID
Alliance Crusader C35
Overall assets
The Great Starlight Brigade
Aisling Duval

Logbook entry

Power Play Thoughts

29 Dec 2020Doobs46
I have been pledged for almost 15 weeks to a power now, in this time I have come to realize somethings about Power Play (PP).

First it is not dead with no players other than module shoppers. It is full of hundreds of commanders pledged to many of the powers actively role playing for their chosen power.

Second is that Frontier Development Team (FDev) have written off and completely ignore PP. With numerous exploits and bugs with tickets and forums open they do nothing to fix the issues raised.

Third there is this call BGS (Background simulation) it is the minor factions within the Elite universe. BGS work is the practice of changing states of factions to control what type of faction is in control of the system. In PP this is critical to have favorable ones to decrease fortification and improve expansion. BGS is complicated and can be lots of fun.

Fourth and most important thing I learned is the community within PP is great. They help teach new players about not so well-known mechanics and tips on engineering. The community teaches, enriches, and is a big part of making Elite Dangerous a living game, more than FDev does.

Power Play is the only real “end game” thing to do in Elite, yet it is ignored by FDev and community content creators treating as dead. It is alive but not well. Fdev needs to fix the bugs and exploits. Listen to PP players and communities on what could be done to make it better. BGS and PP have the potential to let the players have more control over the bubble and possibly even expanding the bubble. Hopefully with Odyssey they will not miss the opportunity to enrich the player driven elements of the galaxy but from the sounds of the Q&As, Dev Diaries, and streams they have not included PP in Odyssey at all which is horrible.
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