Cmdr OldarBladeborn
Vigilante / Enforcer
Registered ship name
Credit balance
Registered ship ID
Fer-de-Lance PL4SM4
Overall assets
Aisling Duval

Logbook entry

entry #2

16 Oct 2020OldarBladeborn
Been a few days since me first entry. I think I might have this worked out, as like a public journal? Anyhow, I've been busy - mostly going on expeditions for me engineering stuff.

Oh yeah, also tried to teach me brother how to properly fight. He's a much more grounded person - prefers the 9-5 over space glory. Coward.

Bought a Dolphin the other day, too. Nice little ship. I've always been a fan of Saud Kruger ships, but I've only ever flown the big ones. Had an Orca a few years back, used it for my first proper expedition out of the bubble, when I headed out to see Betelgeuse. Had to sell it, though, to finance the Corvette. Still regret it, and I'm thinking of getting another.

With the Dolphin, and me brother, and all that, I somehow found myself at home - completely caught me off guard, but I took advantage of it and visited me family. They have this farm on planet 5, where everyone works. Stopped fer a cuppa and a chat, and then headed out again. Honestly, we're not that close, but we get along.

On my way to Mainani now. Heard there's some good opportunities for pilots who want a Cutter (including me). I'll write again soon, hopefully with less rambling.

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