entry #5
09 Nov 2020OldarBladeborn
Log 5.Not done a log in a while. Honestly, I didn't think I'd done enough to warrant an entry, until today.
Mostly, I've been practising combat in Shini, trying my hand against some damn good pilots - and getting me arse kicked. Turns out I'm not as good as I thought I was, but whatever. Live and learn, eh?
Then, of course, out of the blue - war! Bloody Empire's tried an invasion, and being a Federal Rear-Admiral, I was immediately called back into action. I fitted a fuel scoop to the Vette as quick as possible and rushed over. I've been in seven battles so far, won 5, and sent two capital ships packing. Still got 2 or 3 days left before the Empire calls this off. God, I'm having fun.
Oh, me comms are going off. It'll probably be the Admiral. Better go.