Cmdr OldarBladeborn
Vigilante / Enforcer
Registered ship name
Credit balance
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Fer-de-Lance PL4SM4
Overall assets
Aisling Duval

Logbook entry

entry 6

14 Nov 2020OldarBladeborn
*begin audio log*

This working? Leo?

"Audio recording, commander."

Oh, good. Oh-seven to anyone listening. I've decided to do this log in audio form,  cos I'm bored of just writing. I can write, course, but I just think audio's easier. Also, I've seen others use audio instead of writing, and it seemed to do better? I dunno.

Anyway, the LTT-whatever campaign's over, and, just as expected, we won. I managed to rout another couple capital ships, but decided to leave early, get back to proper combat training, y'know? Got me arse kicked again though-

"Incoming message, commander."

What? Oh, read message.

"Promotion to Federal Navy Vice-Admiral for Commander Jack Smitheson. Congratulations."

They're really happy 'bout that victory, eh? Thanks, Leo. A'right, I better get going. I'm nearly at that Martuuk woman's place. Another log coming soonish, maybe in audio form.

Anyway, Cmdr Bladeborn out. Oh-seven. End log.

*audio log ends*
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