Cmdr OldarBladeborn
Vigilante / Enforcer
Registered ship name
Credit balance
Registered ship ID
Fer-de-Lance PL4SM4
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Aisling Duval

Logbook entry

Log 20/4/07 - 008

20 Apr 2021OldarBladeborn
Alright, I've put off writing in this thing long enough. It's been 5 months since my last entry, far too long, so I'm just gonna start typing and try not to waffle. In these last months, I've been busy as hell - engineering nearly a hundred modules, fighting many opponents (and losing to a fair amount of them), gaining money, the lot. My Vette has unfortunately taken a backseat in this, as I've been pumping work into my new Fer-de-Lance in order to get it up to fighting standards, but I plan to give her a bit of love soon. There are also some new additions to my fleet - The Dirty Fighter, my unshielded Alliance Challenger; Silent Sabre, an unshielded railgun Fer-de-Lance; Sanguis Deus, my bi-weave hybrid hull-tank (what a mouthful) Python; and Crimson Wolf, a hybrid Krait Phantom. I enjoy flying each one, but the engineering can be a pain.

I also decided to leave First And Only to start my own squadron, The Crimson Knights. I was sad to leave, after being a large part of it for so long, but I looked forward to the opportunities leading my own squadron could bring. Plus, I still fly with a fair few of them, which means I don't miss them as much, and I can share some of the combat wisdom I've learnt. My new squad is more focussed on fighting than F01 were, our mission being to protect pilots from criminal attack - which has brought some interesting circumstances, like pulling a wanted ferdie, getting my shields popped by torps, and only just getting out alive (twice!).

My brother, Jeffrey (known in some circles as DownwardBoss8, the reason still evades me), also wanted to join up. He has a strong sense of justice, and wanted to bring the multitudes of mindless killers who fly round the Bubble down. He considered the Knights, but then suggested joining a larger squad, The Sirius Watch, led by Commander Meranwe. He accepted us with open arms, but I only flew the tags for a few weeks before growing bored, and re-joining TCKS. I probably should have stayed, to be honest.

I've been getting involved in a lot of public conflicts too - defence of the Galactic Summit, fighting to bring the traitor Rochester to justice, blowing up terrorists in Mudhrid, and recently working for the Archon as a defence contractor, on orders from the office of Hudson himself. I thought the orders were odd, but I have no reason to disobey. Even with all this fighting, it still came as a surprise when the Pilot's Federation promotion to Deadly came through. It puts me one rank from Combat Elite, and is obviously a great honour. I can't wait till I get home and tell my family.

I think that about covers what I've been doing, so I'll end this log here. Hopefully, the galaxy will be much more peaceful when I next write, eh?
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