Cmdr OldarBladeborn
Vigilante / Enforcer
Registered ship name
Credit balance
Registered ship ID
Fer-de-Lance PL4SM4
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Aisling Duval

Logbook entry

Log 19/05/07 - 009

19 May 2021OldarBladeborn
Goddamnit. I told myself I'd keep up with this logbook after my last entry, but here we are, a month later, and I'm just getting around to writing another. I wish I could keep up to my own goals...

Anyway, in a few hours, a whole load of shit's gonna drop in my lap - firstly, the Pilot's Federation are dropping an update to pretty much all ship computers and flight suits, allowing for atmospheric landing for the first time in over a decade. You'd have thought they'd have that down by now, a technology they've been using for a thousand-odd years, but guess not. Thing is, my PF profile has an issue - something to do with my ID number? - so I won't actually have the update until a few months down the line. Upside - I won't have to deal with day one problems, so my ship isn't likely to blow up in my face, but downside is that the update's got some cool stuff, which I can't get.

Secondly, I've had a call to arms by a comrade; he's the leader of a faction, Brazilian Empire Pilots (BREP), and a foreign pirate lord, of the Dark Marauders, is threatening invasion if he doesn't pay them 400 million credits ASAP. For obvious reasons, he doesn't want either, so me, plus a few other squads, have headed over to this system. We'll show these pirates a thing or two, eh?

Lastly, at some point I need to go help with the rescue effort at the stations that were recently attacked. I can't just leave these poor people to their fates, so I'm going to refit my Corvette for heavy duty evacuation. I don't know that I'll be much help, but I can certainly do my part.

That's everything, I think. I'll write again once i get an update on any of this. Hopefully with less waffling...

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