Logbook entry

A story about... Part III

16 Oct 2020Feroand
Part I: https://inara.cz/cmdr-logbook/252136/50516/
Part II: https://inara.cz/cmdr-logbook/252136/50668/
Part IV: https://inara.cz/elite/cmdr-logbook-entry/252136/67724/

On the previous part
I and my swore brother came to the Baal system to participate in a community goal with our fat ass type-9. As soon as we had jumped here, we figured out that pirates came here too. Most of the participants took their portion of despoilment. But, to our luck, our pirate shows up as a nice guy with bigger plans for those pirates. At least, he said he is.

Part III
"What kind of f*ck are you?! This is not a plan, this is committing cannibalism!" I shouted as my understanding of the plan grew up enough.

"Actually, I prefer the scavenger concept for the definition but..."

"You absolutely can call it 'the unicorn which shits pink', but it has nothing to do with what you are suggesting to us!"

My bro interfered: "When I think about it, I see the plan is not that bad. The only thing we should do is wait here until the security ships arrive; wait until pirates, traders, and securities destroy themselves; pick their commodities up; sell those to the station and be a rich!"

"Those are not 'one thing'! Also, have you ever thought about what will be our excuse for our 'stolen' tagged cargoes? And this is just not the matter; you are asking us to act like raiders!"

"What do you think the silent running feature is for? Also, they are going to blow up themselves anyway. No need to worry."

"This is... I do not believe we are going to do this."

And, I did not know what was we were heading to it back then.

The Space is wast, immense, fathomless, severe, and cold. You know. Now, I know too. I cannot see the ruined and devastated ships from where I am drifting. But the gleams where they blew up are carved to my retina. As if the ship's augmented reality feature is helping me to see kilometers and kilometers away. Space is that kind of big. And, it is also small. My life support counting it as 4 minutes and 16 seconds. I wish the space on my ship would be bigger.

The fight did not last long. From where we hide; it was like civuuu ciyuv, bam bam bam, taka taka taka,  bummm, and then an impenetrable silence. We had no idea how we could hear those sounds through the vacuum, though; space has its own miracles.

"Hımm. That's interesting."


"Look at the right-hand panel, what do you see? Especially on the cargo section."


"Yep. Nothing. Except that 'you forgot to take limpets with you, genius' sign."

"Hımm. Interesting, really. So, are we going to do this? You know what happened when the last time we tried it."

"I have only one answer for you Bro. Listen to this:"

The emotionless artificial sound was heard: "Cargo-scoop deployed."

And, It spoke again: "Power-plant-capacity exceeded."

"I am definitely sure; those are not 'one answer' Sister. Have you downgraded our power plant too?"

"Stop grinning! I did need some credits for that cargo racks."

"Step aside," said Commander Big Bad Pirate Boy. "I will handle this."

"How could you enter the cockpit?!"

"As I said, my name includes the magic word: Pirate. I can do all of the big bad things without hesitation and obstacles. So, let me turn off this, and that, and change those power orders. Aaand,"

"Shields offline."

"Here we go. A Type-9 The Thicc Boi with manual collecting mission. And, no need to use shields if there is no one to attack you."

Yep. That words were said aloud also. This idea did not sound as bad as it sounds now at that time.
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