Logbook entry

Partial-split, with Utopia.

27 Jul 2019Vurrath
I couldn't take it anymore... the simultaneous claim to being better integrated than others, from the transcendental tech, but in reality, we, the loose, mercenary, accelerating-force behind otherwise slow, passive Utopian progression, now making deals as though we own the systems we claim to be liberating and protecting,..

...this time, changing  'our'  mind,
about one of our more persistent enemies,
betraying all the effort we'd put into fighting them, for at least 2 years straight.

A chance, but a naive one  -  we've been given false hope before, by this very enemy - we should not be making the same mistake twice.


only a few weeks ago, we had started to make headwinds into getting them down, were winning against them...
...but that opportunity , having created the fear in our enemy, enough for them to've come to US, not wanting to be put into retreat,..

...now thrown away.

one's hope for persistence, gets yanked away from you, when someone else comes with a plan seemingly only a number of days later... not months, or maybe weeks...

long term plans get forgotten, in favour of short term social-connections.

we should not, be toying, with connecting with anarchists  -  their leaders push forward, the one with the most charm,..

but neurally, something is wrong in their heads, and our neural nets, our internal assistive AI ... should KNOW it, should recognise it.

Instead, old, human hope, gets in the way, while memory, is their gambled-upon method.

I did not join Utopia, to find hope still being relied upon, and memory a problem.

I joined it, for the exact opposite.
going BEYOND, human fallibility.

Their request of us ... to not pressure them into retreat, should have been laughed at.

who were they, to ask us, or the Hudsons,..
from both of whome ... they'd taken all except one of their 12 or so systems, FROM...

...who were they, TO ASK US ... for no retreats?


but  'we'  gave it  -  i find, days, if not weeks, after the dis-respectful deed.

perhaps i was offline,.. perhaps our memories fade, as we think we're going forward in agreement,
but why we can barely even consult each other,
when it comes to the big players, interested parties, 3rd parties, even ... in any particular long conflict.

I had put if not the most, then easily in our top 5, highest amount,
of time and effort into fighting them,
but i didn't even get consulted, about the deal.

what kind of   "staying-connected to people",  is that?


Instead, like often has happened before... it only took one or two people, to claim to be representing all of Utopia, with barely a blip on my radar  -  one mentioning that someone might be trying to get a deal, days, if not weeks, after.

Maybe i could've checked, and not felt left out.

Maybe,.. and maybe ALSO ...
Utopia's just surprisingly badly organised, and no-one can admit it.

The commitment to it's if not humanity's future, with transcendent technology, is solid, and will continue to be... but something's got to give,
or it will not reach the heights it could,
if only more formal processes, were spelled out, and lists kept,.. and roles, understood, and proportioned, and sent out, where needed.

It's been probably 2 years now, since i suggested we create a outbreaks-response wing, even if we ignore famine, when we're short-staffed.

still not there.

not even many kept-up-to-date lists at all ...
yet expectations,
that all is well and well understood, and well planned, remain,

and one is asked to pretend, that it's as good as one is TOLD.

i don't like that.  i don't like that, AT ALL.
TRUTH, is meant to be paramount, in Utopia, and perhaps outside of these mercenaries who determine it's flows and expansions, more than the official leadership in Antal do, there is.

but inside them, i found all too-human fallibility, almost everywhere, and in almost everyone, probably no less than in any other power, when it should be.

If the Archeron syndicate, also cannot recognise that human fallibility, have to be although kept in human in-perfection, then still countenanced  -  improoved upon, or at least give people the OPTION, of leaving human weaknesses, behind, and the rationalisers of such suicide, behind,..


In their ignorance, and innocence, and arrogance, and irresponsibility.

it is not less irresponsible, than choosing to remain unacceptably succeptable, to contagious disease,
if refusing genetic filtration.  Not as much as also, taking the risk of unknowns with GE ... but at least disease prevention.

who can say into the face of a child born with cystic-fibrosis... that they 'deserve' ... it, genetically?

deserve, that risk, just so someone can feel more natural.

there is little natural, about humanity anymore.

i SPIT, on these human, rationalisations of unneeded risk.

and embrace the inevitable IN-humanity,.. but i must wait.


For as long as pilot's-federation pilots, turned mercenaries,
and fascists, determine where and when, powers are to go...

...there will never be what powers are meant to be creating, in their space.


Considering how one can imagine Utopia could go...

with very much IN-human, capacities,..
perhaps i am expecting too much  -  the higher the dream, the longer the fall.

But describing the problem, as    'Lord of the flies', situations of mercenary organisation,
in this universe,..

does not cover it.

On the other hand,
perhaps i will find that other powers are worse!


that did not lower the feeling of bitterness, tho
when i had spent so much on this one in particular.

I should not have been sidelined.

They knew i am more likely to feel betrayed if they don't give my voice & vote,
at least a chance of being heard.

cut that chance from anyone, and they SHOULD, feel betrayed, detached,
a 2nd class citizen, perhaps.


with no process, that WAITS, for replies...
how can you ever, really be  ...  "having-asked-everyone",
let alone act on a partial vote-collection,

AS THOUGH YOU HAVE  -  asked everyone?

i was online.
available, contactable.


both happened, before i even realised i had a chance to.


the deal be-damned... even if BoTM seem to be going to honour it.

We've seen them eventually not being able to. too many times before.

I choose to leave behind partially, at least in terms of how much time i can spend there ... friends from years of flying and fighting together,..

but anarchists are not something to be trifled with, nor trusted,
no matter how similar, their leaders seem, to ours.

some things will always be incompatible, and it takes truly having learnt-that-lesson  minds,
to lead ANY power, that would force a choice - limit what kinds of factions, it tolerates.

so where was your memory, Utopia?

we've ... you've ... been there with BoTM, multiple times before, with the same ... only-human ... hope,
your argument,
for the pretence, of acceptance of the chance.

too many times, for me to have confidence in what is being USED to make your decisions, anymore.
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