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Stayed with Utopia - perhaps it's best being free to move to wherever help's needed the most

31 Oct 2020Vurrath
The Archeron syndicate was something different for me,.. I had been with them for many months now, having not left Utopia, but in having maintained my insistence on not helping at every suggestion of temporary bargaining being ultimately good for it / for humanity, there is only so many rationalisations about slave-trading confederates one can take before the real reason behind those who push them at our border with Delaine and the Kumos, takes it's toll on your sense of who you should be fighting FOR, primarily.

A large federation faction's leader contacted me once, in regards to the 116213 liberty party, commending me on the effort put in in getting the faction in power and strongly widespread - didn't do it all myself of course, but i accepted the compliment anyway - I have to say, it was strange hearing that from someone who supports an aggressor, but there has been some common ground between the federation and Utopia for a long time.

Obviously not-enough, as both stand as they are now and have been, when it comes to whether or not democracy generally can be trusted anymore, and people can learn to understand each other and learn FROM each other even when they don't want to,.. for purposes larger than the ones they currently THINK are the only ones they would  -  ultimately the Transcendental tech usage has a role similar to asking a child to try to understand a parent's better understanding when portraying a situation not simple enough that the child can understand it straight-away,.. and needs a story, or a portrayal of,.. a demonstration of something perhaps,.. to be able to understood.

As a tool for teaching and learning, in it being adopted outside Utopia however much, in a sense, we have already-won our battle to push for it's acceptance AS a tool, at least.  Whether or not to depend on it systematically, is to be fair, up to the power in question,.. so while none can really say it should not be depended on like they have some kind of proof that it should not OVERALL ... it's probably also fair to say that no-one should be able to say that they can force it on a system without some detrimental indirect effects,..

... but, that (detrimental effects from forced education one way or another) can be argued for other systems of education and experience sharing,.. and can also certainly be said to be true for rationalisations of avoiding higher social psychology and sociology in terms of WHEN people fail to even try - there is no justification of an ABSENCE of at-least ONE choice,  between-choices, when a need emerges.


The tyranny of distance, seems to me, to be something that has had to be addressed, and perspective, critically, when it comes to SIMs, and understanding via ... is not an easy thing to achieve, without more of an effect upon the body, for those trying to understand emotional reasoning, particularly.  Clearly the Transcendental tech CAN achieve, what nothing else can,..

... or else Utopia would not have formed in the 1st place.

As a favouring the Alliance independent, i would not have come across a also relatively large power,.. I never would've come across something, that would not have grown in size and prominence if there was not confidence,
in the method,
in the balance AFTER the trade off.

What other power, can say that they have a long term plan for humanity that will REDUCE the tyranny of distance sociologically, and politico-socially, at such a grand-scale?

So yeah, that's not changed.  Temporary bargaining, and temporary deals with the small stuff never changed the base confidence.


That extra closeness of experience that the Syndicate is developing and perfecting for things like the worst of the worst in prisons & reform,.. right next to the Kumos and Delaine, we know a thing or two about that!.. could well be a game-changer in the long term too, in terms of reliability, when no-doubt doubters will question how reliable Transcendental Tech is.

So it's been a privilege to push that and to argue that you might as well be  all-in   in a gamble sense, if you're already prepared to gamble on what the short-sighted simplify as  'brainwashing'.  Why allow the worst of the worst in reform, to not experience the terror of the kinds of things they do to others, when you've got them strapped in, and are forcing them to go through simulated trauma after trauma to learn to realize what they've done... to dismiss the experience as just fake.

I'd prefer to see that in the face of the over 800 (mostly)pirate lords i've assassinated over the years,
before their execution, if i could capture and humiliate them, before their death.

Having no time to capture all the marked-slaves you bring death TO, instead of being forced to live a life of suffering, leaves more than a bitter taste in your mouth.

Seeing what transcendental tech could DO, to even one of those, with enough clock-work orange type methodology, prooves our point.  We have surpassed what it natural or normal,.. ALREADY.

It is no-longer a question of whether or not to choose the unnatural - it is long-since a choice of WHICH-unnatural things, do we choose, and when do we BALANCE the two.

A now 'cranked' Transcendental Tech.  ,
so they can't weasel their way out of the emotions.

If you're going to do it, you might as well do it right, is the kind of reasoning the Syndicate's claimed.  I could respect that.


With some significant shifts politically recently though, i had to release myself from the small-scale i think, to leave my time open to move on to things wherever i choose to move it onto.  Federation lips have been licking at this neo-Marlinist situation, and many myself included, have been disgusted with what we've seen, reminiscent of 20th/21st century arms-exporters like the United States of America, Russia, or other often fortunately now defunct/dissolved hypocritical-states,.. not hesitating to play  nothing-but the good guy, when taking in the majority of refugees.

Is that a criticism of lettING them in?
of course not.

WHILE,.. letting them in.  typical 20th century CIA and White-house 'political-positioning', that.

"Wait-for or create" ... situations, where you can appear to be the good guy at the end of it,.. and then reap the political positioning rewards you get at the end of it from whatever token-effort, or in the case of the exporting to both Germany AND the Allies in WW1 ... outright blatant playing both you've organised or turned-a-blind-eye-to,.. in the case of WW1 ... the USA pretending there'll not be any consequences, in the arrogance they showed in expecting ALL the empires would fall sooner or later.

Interesting how they simultaneously feared socialism at the same time, as having similar reasons, to want to end Empiricism.  That's not by itself much to observe,.. but no doubt back in the 20th C, they must've noticed that and wondered why they saw communism as such a threat, rather than something that could be tamed and reformed, and DIVERSIFIED,.. into something you can at least bargain with and have a neutrality position towards, or a mixed-position towards, depending on what you were talking about.  ex-USA rich families STILL sometimes go on about socialism like it's the same thing as Stalinism, and even then, it's difficult to get them to understand that Stalin's feigned interest in the Nazis was only that - a trick to put them at ease, while they knew they'd face a lot of pressure from them once the war started - it simply bought TIME, for the Allies, or so history tells us,.. no doubt if you watch the old films and only watch the USA's ones, that fact would probably be omitted.

How long those with what they THINK is a reason to persist with their fantasies of denial about the Stalin period, is anyone's guess.

The remaining few's belligerence, is irrelevant  -  they had a large Jewish internal population to be sensitive FOR,.. as well as others the Nazis persecuted and abused,.. and so it's hardly without context ... yet still, it still shows no respect for the sacrifices the proles and all who came after them made, to escape from what is never to be depended on by-itself, ever again.

The Empire could learn from that lesson also, in not transitioning into MORE feudals rather than thinking that by-itself, feudals are somehow reliable.  It is not the structure itself, that creates obedience sufficient to close black markets, and try to maintain order,..

It is the fundamental base social-reasons,.. social-psychological / sociological reasons, that are the real reasons behind the choice.
When the same can be demanded from a population under other sytems of government,.. why only choose feudal?

The wealth distribution in them is still an appalling crime, as bad as it ever was, perhaps.

Ironically under many Utopia dictators,.. only a small number if any, of supporters with spending power when-needed, are needed locally, in addition to what Utopian directives come from the central structures inside Utopia and from our wisest and oldest  -  relative freedom under whichever laws one must be dishing out, for things like closing black markets, particularly, but also security improovements,.. are as free as anywhere else in our communisms and co-ops.

Personally, co-ops flexibility for the wealthy being able to maintain their wealth, is not good-enough.  you might as well force a communism, if you're going to leave wealthy in combination with a black market, in the same system, or at the same commodities market, or whatever.


Ironically for me, one of the most loved forms of government in Utopia, is the one that i think is the LEAST reliable of our favoured types.

again, temporary purposes are only temporary purposes,.. so what Utopia's future is,.. is a bit vague, even for those of us that have been with it for years.

Utopian communists have no-fear ... of whether their wealth-distribution equities, will continue to be something that is arguable even when-with a black market - in time, slaving worlds do NOT survive, under Utopian communisms,.. and so there is no incompatibility there.  Federation thinking that somehow they do a better job when their corporations maintain if not also make sometimes, black markets,.. is still something that is comparable with what lower but reliably equitable control under a communism, DOES provide, that being born into financial oppression in one of their corporate run systems, you would never get a chance of experiencing.

Our dictators... pfff... who can say.  If one day, crime dwindles, and our claims of inter-connectedness and understanding DO yeild proof of what can be done with technology,.. then perhaps one day that question can be answered.

One-rule suits all, from BOTH the federation or the empire, in regressively pushing feudals, or pushing just business as we would be being asked to believe can provide-for-all, without regulation, or worse, in self-regulation,.. is still NEVER, going to be good enough.
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