Logbook entry

Azimuth denied, the powers-that-be's underestimation of humanity's ethics, encouraging.

11 May 2023Vurrath
A long time since i last made an entry, but i suppose something should be said about a recent defeat for Azimuth in Wandrama, of which i played a critical part.

Far from my first in-and-around Utopia, but perhaps an important one, depending on how much external forces want to waste on trying to cause more problems conveniently 'just-outside' of Utopian space, while clearly having chosen a system NEAR us, instead of closer to actually 1/2 way inbetween HIP 22460, it should be noted, it's supposed purpose, the expansion into Wandrama, was,.. that is, to serve as a half-way point inbetween core systems (including the new rescue-ships / coordination ships built in response to the Maelstroms/invasion.

If they want to keep trying, they will keep wasting their efforts.

In my exp, most pilots oppose Azimuth 60%-80%, and even-more are hesitant / conditional when it comes to their unnecessary historical crimes, and potential to be SCRAPPED - i.e. humanity making the most of what they have to offer, by taking it in, rather than only buying-their-product, while trying to pretend as though there's nothing wrong with risking letting them become legitimised after exposure 75%-90%.

Just to clarify, the rescue/coordination megaships, were created and then moved-around WITHIN core systems, depending on risks / likelihoods of where thargoids were going to be.

So for "1/2 way" ... you're talking approximately ( with Sol and HIP 22460 at two-ends of an approximate )

Hyades Sector UK-L a9-2, by-distance,

but by closest-core-system-bubbles,
including considering the position of the closest Maelstrom, out the back of LYR territory,
maybe, HIP 15266 ?

at-worst, Gallavs, would have been if-any, a bubble near Utopia, that would've been understandable as a supposed "1/2 way"
or otherwise, clearly within and less-likely to have ethical differences with the locals, certainly, than all the bizarre way out in Wandrama.

Take a look in the Galmap! goto Sol, then target HIP 22460,.. then target Wandrama, and see for yourself, just-how ridiculous it is for a supposed 1/2 between the two.


It was enough, to be blunt, to suspect that there is a much greater conspiracy in the works, that has been going on for 300 years, and the Federation if-not-also the Empire have been playing with fire a lot MORE than we already know, and the choice of Wandrama is just a clandestine excuse, to attract problems on our border.

The obviousness of how all the Maelstroms have ended up in territories OTHER than federation, Kumo (in a pact with Hudsons), and Groms (very high federation-loyalist populations and ex-federation),

has not been missed by many, so this would seem to fit that pattern, if it is one.

The second-wave of Maelstroms arrival, piqued the interest of those who'd already noticed the coincidentally advantageous arrival locations, but the coincidental pattern of avoiding especially core hudsons systems, was just too much.

They avoided the MORE important, losing their advantage early, when they could've routed a huge amount of our core systems, BEFORE we adjusted, in one fell swoop?

What kind of tactician gives-up that kind of advantage?



Anyway, SINCE then,
the possibly conspiratorily-placed Azimuth presence, has infected our region, despite being suppressed so-far, by a locally-responsive even if questionably-not-as-committed to defence against the thargoids as they could be, group,

who at least have the sense to recognise the monster that Azimuth is,

and since linking up with them, and making a few more contacts, a slowly growing sense of optimism grew within me in relation to being able to suppress them in the long-term, if-not also outright forcibly eject them back to their Hudson core.

A recent battle a few weeks ago however, tested our resolve and resources,
but of the several hundred pilots who came, we brought more, and defeated them in an embarrassing 4-3 comeback!

L-L-W-L-W-W-W or something?

It wasn't looking good.


Fortunately, Pilot's Federation pilots, have


NOT FORGOTTEN Blackflight's crimes,

NOT FORGOTTEN crimes like the several thousand deaths on the Alexandria,

& NOT FORGOTTEN a similar list of crimes a page long,
and did not hesitate to come to the call to deny them.

A sore defeat was inflicted on those who wish to force blood on our hands, when it is on theirs,
wish to bring everyone down to their level in the name of humanity,
wish to claim that our opportunity is only due to their efforts, when in reality the first war may well've not even been won by the fungus-weapon, we only know that they WITHDREW.

It's quite possible that it was a tactical precaution, and that a longer-game was played by them, for reconnaissance , capacity-building, and other tactical planning things, that it's theorised, they would be SLOWER at creating, than we are.

Interestingly, re-considering that,
it makes EVEN LESS sense, that they would give-up perhaps their only tactical-reliance, of their effectiveness of their initial waves, on outside non-core systems, in their first waves of attack.

Take a look at WHERE Azimuth's core systems are, inside hudson/Rackham?/whoever terrtiory. Nowhere near it, despite us knowing they ARE intelligent, and no doubt have got access to information about human systems and concentrations of anti-Thargoid manufacturing / research. How difficult could it be? we publicly broadcast it sometimes.

Anyway, returning to the point,

those that would dictate to us which ethics to dismiss, which hypocrisy to tolerate,
LOST, and lost-badly - the effort they had put in was significant,
but in the end the people of Wandrama VOTED no,

so no complaints about dictation coming FROM-Utopia this time!

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