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Azimuth ejected, the cancer stopped before it could grow,.. a long campaign concluded at last.

09 Jun 2023Vurrath

An ordinary view, from an extra-ordinary day, in Wandrama, the system with the first incursion of Azimuth back in the core systems excluding those already tolerated and harbored by Hudson & Co., or perhaps to be fair, ALL-of-those pushing irresponsible in-discrimination in which corporations to cooperate with, back, fund, supply and collaborate with. Not only our persistent fedneck neighbours. The image of the Imperial eagle on INRA crates is still clear in my mind.

A thought by some incidental and irrelevant question in the face of the thargoids waves,
to others, an ongoing battle and obligation that should not be necessary, if Azimuth had been abolished a long time ago, those remnants of it chased down, and the salvage from it used in a more transparent way.

But since their exposure to the light, & Wycherly's treachery and incompetence has been revealed to all, as-have many of the damning transcripts and intercepts of the victims of Azimuth, such as D-2, that Q has now become even more obviously LEFT-neglected,..
( not some 'new' question, now to itself be questioned as to whether or not needing to be asked )

... that Q has remained throughout the criticisms that have been knee-jerk sent our way, and even if in the long-run something that neither sways the thargoids, nor rallies us in the face of them, let it at least not be said that humanity's inconsistency, reveals that some of us are not as short-sighted as others, that the advantages imagined possible with the discovery of thargoids and guardians and both's technology, was NEVER our reason, that it was always the reasons of those who have maintained nothing but the narrative of an un-intelligent and relentlessly unreasonable enemy.

It will no doubt remain easy, to convince most of what might seem reasonable based off their behaviors,
but considering that we've known, that they've-known that we've-known, that they have acted on our aquisition and use of Guardian technology,
that perhaps it remains to be seen if OUR actions, in trying to adopt Guardian tech inamongst ourselves, will turn out to be the action that THEY could not tolerate.

& it not being a situation of some only imagined aggression-without-reason.


And to those that had long ago already answered their OWN answer to the simpler ethics Q,
not only, nearby powers like Utopia thank you,
but perhaps even, the people of this little system itself, would likely thank you,
it could well've become the next target of the thargoids, perhaps a smaller mission / separate decimation of the system.

Personally, considering how much waste the federation, empire, and those backing INRA and it's descendants have caused,
it would come as poetic justice, if the thargoids now targeted the systems around the Azimuth cancer still growing in the middle of Hudson systems.


It is from that, bitter, realization and P.O.V. ;

that i look out of this Royal Pheonix Corp carrier's window, on this bleak, lifeless gas giant,
not needing to see, some idyllic or grand view, but instead, silence,.. stillness,.. something those void-worshippers around here somewhere could appreciate and no doubt spell out better than I.

After so many months of conflict over this seemingly unimportant system.


Who will help the federation with the massive cancer they have allowed to grow inside themselves, becomes another question,
and one I am almost-certain, I will never be the one to answer.

They and the empire gambled on INRA,
many others inbetween then and now, gambled on Blackflight and other atrocities,
and now as i look out and have to remind myself that even the Alliance gambled on Wycherly and his false promises,

that none of the superpowers,
have shown the insight to know when to say no.

Speaking of which, i wonder if this carrier's got anything in an Insight SIM i can blow my mind with,
there is so much in recent weeks and months, to now need to forget about,

to be able to refocus away from, and fully BACK onto the thargoids at our doorstep.


Do you want to increase the amount of independents fighting the thargoids?

Then do NOT make the same mistake, as was made, in Wandrama.
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︎5 Shiny!
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