Logbook entry

A Few Days Planetside

26 Jul 2017Hob Gadling
I have just returned from a few days planetside.

Damn that 1.2G is hard work when you are not used to it. Heavy skies and high humidity made the city so oppressive. And the people! So many people.
Luckily I found solace in a dark and smoky bar, the band playing old style Jazz music with real human musicians.
AI music is all very well but it is all too perfect. Give me real people playing real music on real instruments with all their flaws and rough edges.
That was a hell of a session, wine, beer and cocktails, then some narcotic sold by some kid moving from table to table. Don't know what the hell it was but what a buzz, I guess it was some local plant derivative.

Weaving my way back to the starport in the early hours, not a star in sight. that freaked me out. I was going to stay another day but I just had to return to the black. Took several jumps away and landed on the dark side of god knows where just so I could stare straight up until my head cleared but those jazz tunes are still going round my head.
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