Logbook entry

Price On My Head

27 Apr 2021Adam2218
I am a pilot, commander and much more to the superpowers. I thought I was well thought of until I retuned to Achenar to see the bustling markets along with trying to find the pirates I’m hunting. Someone caught my eye, someone I hadn’t seen in a long time but she was gone in an instant. So I decided to look for her. The streets on this station have been quite busy as of late, all simple stalls in a cramped metal street. I Wade through the dense crowds but something is off. I see her being escorted by two bodyguards, I start to think the split up wasn’t that bad was it? Was it all a big deception? I continue making my way through the crowds towards her but then one of the bodyguards spots me and yells out, ‘everyone get down.’ So I get down quickly thinking it’s someone else. As I hit the ground I see them coming my way. So I decided to better run before the get a clean shot on me.

I quickly jump up and start running for the nearest side path to gain cover but as soon as I get up the were already on the run. I ran down the street and round the corner where people were fleeing. I still question in my mind what in the galaxy is going on? I don’t remember doing anything bad here nor in the empire systems. They were hot on my tail until I ran into a cafe and kept straight out the window while they searched in store for me. I got away cleanly. I asked around see if I could find out what was going on but nobody was willing to say anything, so I headed back to the pilots lounge in the centrifuge. I was heading to the system authority until I saw through the window an old poster of me. The poster was far worse than I first expecting. My face was one of the most expensive on there along with my lecturer on battle tactics and space warfare. I saw others there from the federation, so I thought, are they aiming for strong members of the federation so they can start and win a war quickly?

I look over again and I see one of the officers talk on his radio. So I walked back into the lounge and asked a pilot what we’re doing at this station. The pilot says ‘there’s two mission boards, one thats official and one that’s not. The unofficial one is strictly for the empire and not a minor faction within the empire. They want you dead.’ I head to the turbo lift but I wasn’t alone. Two of the guards from the authority station followed me in. I knew I was in trouble right away. As the doors shut I made my move. It was a rough fight between us but there was two of them. Luckily the door opened at my hanger and my gunner saw me out the cockpit and grabbed her pistol. I managed to beat one down to the ground and knock him out, but as i do I hear a single shot. In the brief moment I thought it was the second guy, but the gunner shot the other guard square in the head. All I said is ‘we’ve out stayed out welcome here’. I didn’t mention the bounty Incase she decided to go for me.


If you want to see the poster it’s on the gallery! And don’t forget to like it!
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︎0 Shiny!
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