Logbook entry

Disaster At The Start

16 May 2021Adam2218
For weeks upon end, I’ve been proving myself to the pilots federation to get a combat elite rank. I think back to when times were easy for me back on earth, back when I was a child I went to one of the best private schools on the planet. I had learned a lot about the immense galaxy around me from the formation of the empire and federation to the deep corruption that lies within both of them. We all learned the basic skills that a student would in 3297 when I was 12. All was good and settling well for us but the one thing I ever dreamed about was the beauty of all the stars that they showed us and taught us about. Some of the nights on earth I’ll lie on the ground with my star glass and look at various stars I couldn’t see in person. I would read about the ventures of professor Farnsworth and his crew. How I envied them, but how little I knew about the future. It was only a couple of years until disaster. Me and my friends at the time always played the ancient sport of football, had strong discussions about the life of politics of the current galaxy. We all thought the devolved states of our federation could go to war amongst themselves without the central government caring. We all agreed that the devolved states of the federation needed to be more tightly wound so strength against the empire and other potential threats. One of our lessons at school was exobiology both in politics as well as physical examination. We all studied the guardian sites and how their species could have lived without an atmosphere and gasses to breathe, but others debated that these may be outposts with larger ruined planets and colonies on undiscovered worlds in the far reaches of the galaxy. This makes me think of the grand scale, the grand sense of wonder and the mass corruption of the elite class. My mind wanders back to the great unknown, up among the stars the peace away from inhabited space is the ultimate bliss, to see the great unknown up close. To be the first to discover systems, planets and life. One creature I want to see one day is a Purrgil. A space whale that can go through hyperspace by its self. Sightings are rare but all sightings were on the far side of the galaxy. Other great wonders I wish to see is the birth and the death of a star.

As the years passed by I noticed in our lesson it was about piracy and the downfall of a giant company. Little did I know that was my parent's company. When I got home at the end of the semester I noticed something different. Something malevolent was brewing amongst my parents. As I walked in on them in the business lounge or our stately home there were lawyers beside both of my parents. I was in deep shock so much so I felt like I was falling. What I just witnessed was them liquidating the bubble wide precious stone business, this was the sole source of our wealth and it was soon to drop off a cliff. I got ushered to my room by one of the butlers. I lay face down into my pillow so devastated that my mum came in and said I couldn’t say this to either my brother or sister or I’ll be in deep trouble. It wasn’t the only thing she said, she said she’ll be starting a new low-risk business soon and I’ll be joining her along with Ashla (sister) and Bendu (brother). I woke up from my emotions and saw this was a refresh of the business but little did I know my dad was being cast out for the sake of greed. The next day I got up and went outside where my mum handed me the package for the new beginning, I looked puzzled at her asking what was it. It was very weird all for it was. My mum said, when I grow older you’ll find the deepest secrets of the human race with this. I asked again what is it? It’s a key to raxxla we all got one as we’re in the inner circle. Things were good for a few days until I came across some files of the plans for my family in a book. I read all the way through and it got darker and darker the more I read. The business failed because of pirates that mum hired. All this was a sham and the blame of the failings was all on my dad the debts, the criminal proceedings and even a hit squad were going after him. I hid them all in a different book and walked to my dad on the top floor of our home. As I approached the office door I heard my dad and his most trusted lawyer discussing their partnership and how he’ll never leave his side, after they discussed the secret bank accounts with around a hundred billion in and should be kept if things get messy. Little did I know both Ashla and Bendu were behind me and watching me from a distance. They weren’t bad siblings, they just didn't know the situation.

I knocked on the door and entered my dad's office and slammed the book down on the desk. He looked angry with me at first but after I said to open the book, he saw and read the planned future. His face dropped instantly. His whole world was shattered just by opening a book. Mum came in not knowing anything with her lawyer. My dad stood up his rage was brewing but he knew if he inflicted violence he would be the one going down the drain. He demanded three times for her to get out and leave the home to never return. She claimed she had all the power already and he only knew what was coming and it’s only a matter of time. At this time two armed men came in and aimed their guns at us. We couldn’t do anything but she didn’t think I knew as of yet so she left with the book of evidence and walked away with her armed men and lawyer. She turned to get me. At this stage I didn’t know what to do so I went with her with my head held in shame. I noticed a third gunman went into the office as we were leaving. When we were making our way downstairs we all heard a single shot and saw an army starting to ignite the house. I got into the car with Ashla and Bendu and we were all in tears as our world just got torn in two. As the car drove away we saw the house staff running out in flames only to be massacred by the small army. The very last thing I saw was my dad through the top floor window peering down at us. The tree cover prevented any further sight of the stately home.

After the longest journey I had experienced we arrived at another mansion. We didn’t know whose but we were sent to a room while mum went elsewhere with the book. Me my brother and sister all sat on the floor in silence trying to take in what we witnessed. A few hours later the door opened with mum entering with the book. She tried to explain all is well but none of us was buying it until she said about her new position. The other two were convinced but I wasn’t. I saw the book and so I asked for it, saying it’ll calm me down if I read it so she obliged. When I reopened it the evidence was gone. Now we were allowed around the house freely. I looked in every room with no prevail. After a while, I found a boardroom and entered while it was empty. There was little to find in the room so I leant against the wall and fell through to a hidden room. And there I found them, I stuffed them in my book and asked if I could see the local town by myself. She agreed with a lot of convincing. So a car pulled up outside and I got in, but as we got off the property I told the driver to go to our home but she protested to me. I argued and she eventually agreed to do so. As we arrived we saw the bodies of the staff lying on the ground where they died. Something seemed off, although we did have a safe room it wasn’t near the edge of the house. I gazed at the still smouldering rubble I saw the metal safe room still intact. I ran over and removed some small rubble away from the door. So I opened the door with difficultly and saw my dad with the body of his lawyer. He was unconscious but alive. I ran and got the book from the car and sat with him until he awoke. I heard the car drive away in the distance but I didn’t care.

Eventually, my dad awoke he was surprised to see me but he knew time was still against him. He asked me what happened and I explained everything that I knew. As my dad came to on these revelations he called on his contacts to quash the ongoing storm. As time passed with the evidence I had gained, lawsuit, after lawsuit failed for my mum until the day of her warrant was issued. By the time the police got to the mansion, she had disappeared. The witness statements kept saying the same thing. She went to Raxxla and took the two kids. It took a while to realise that she stole the whole liquidation assets for herself but with that the massive debt. Those weeks of my life were terrible but now my dad is one of the governors of the Sol Workers Party with his funds be brought a lavish apartment at Ehrlich City, but for my mum and siblings I have my thoughts but I do not know. Our life on Mercury was getting more painful as we missed the others greatly but at least we had good relations with the Federation.
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