Go West expedition log - Cmdr Tarrant #2
15 Oct 2016Dell Tarrant
It is the day of departure for our epic mission to the western edge of the galaxy. Go west is almost a go. Over the last few days I have completed several trade runs from Sothis, amassing the extra credits to finance this trip. Earlier today I arrived back at Ray Gateway to prepare for departure, but couldn't resist one last mission. I had picked up a tip off at one of my trade drop offs and had come into possession of a crash site location a couple of hundred light years distant. So, after berthing the Wayward Son, I launched in my Asp Explorer, The Just Sorcerer to check out the location.
All the time knowing that I am against the clock if I am to be ready to depart. Luckily, I have a good team of engineers who are going over the last minute checks on the Wayward Son, refilling ordanance, fuel and provisions. ( I spotted JT, with his newly re-sprayed Anaconda Adjudicator, at another bay earlier. She is looking good)