Tarrant's Log
14 May 2017Dell Tarrant
I've still to make the trip to Zaonce. Harmony's ship is there, I know it. However, at the moment, I've made a detour out to an abandoned mining post, Davs Hope. I'm here to pick up additional supplies to feed to these mercenaries that are masquerading as engineers.
This is an eerie place, that for some reason seems oddly familiar to me. I don't recall coming here before. Maybe its something Drake mentioned to me.....? But there's that creeping sense of unease you get when you know your the only one here, but see shadows moving at the periphery of your vision. At least its light though....wouldn't want to be here when the suns gone down. Perhaps its the thought of all those miners trapped in the tunnels below ground. They wouldn't be alive now though would they...? Alone, in the dark.......? I hope for there sake it was quick. And that constant recorded message over the speakers.....gives me the shivers.
I mean to finish off here and then head to Zaonce to see what awaits me there.